Body hair and sweat. YAYAYAY. no.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KeshieShimmer
AS for the hair, how about a full body wax?

how much does a full body wax cost??


Active member
For hair removal, I really like Moom. It's a natural, soft "wax" with the consistency of honey and can be used anywhere.
For Hair------->> You can use Nair, or any product that works like Nair does (dissolving the hairs) leaving your skin smooth and the hair doesn't grow back as thick, as fast, or as dark. I use Nair when I need to get rid of any hair that is ANNOYING or if I want to wear a really slinky black number and only smooth, light skin balances with a good dress.

You can get the hair on your face and your neck threaded, however, I don't recommend your neck but your face DEFINITELY. Threading leaves the hair lighter, comes out slower, and also not as thick as shaving but since you're a guy and you've been shaving the hair is probably REALLY thick already but it doesn't hurt to try. Call beauty salons and find out who does it.

About your body sweat....switch deodorants, follow the directions on them, find out if there's anything you're eating that's causing it or any lifestyle choices that are affecting it? Otherwise, you might need to start a schedule of showering the night before, putting deodorant on that's organic from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods stores during the night then in the morning use some lemon and ice water to close the pores of your pit and clean out any bacteria then reapply a stronger deodorant and then flush your whole body with cologne...??

hope you find out and if not don't worry too much, you're beautiful anyhow!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mena22787
and the bleach only bleaches the hair right? so your skin doesn't get bleached too?

I"M SORRY i didn't even notice this was directed at it just bleaches the hair not your skin =D


Well-known member
so for all who are wondering, Face hair (for both men and woman) if you shave your hair WILL grow back thicker, faster and darker (this is allover the body as well) the best way to get RID of hair for a good result is waxing, it leaves your skin smooth and lessens hair grow back and hairs grow back lighter and less dense. However this is not great of some people, so see how it goes, the best thing to do about it is go see someone who does hair removal (salon, spa ect..)

Perment hair removal is a really good option, you can buy kits for home use how at about £100 (uk
) and that does almost any area of the body as i know. I dont know how good the aim is on them, i want to get one for myself but im not sure, as im not a very hairy person

As for sweat, see your doctor, many people get botox in their armpits and it helps stop the sweat, ive heard it works really well as i have a friend who sweats from everywhere and it worked for her!

Im not a professional but i used to work in a salon, so we talked about it a lot.

Now for my personal thing, Men with hair = LOVE!

Hope that helps!
coco xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Well-known member
have you tried smooth away ever? it works on certain areas of my body like my upper thighs but not on my lower legs but it might work on some areas?


Well-known member
I use an epliator whenever I can. I bought a "Braun silk epil xelle" from bed bath and beyond I think. It comes with a neato gell cool pack type thing. Put it in the freezer and when you are hurting from the pain of the epilator placing that on the skin realllllllllllllly helps.

Im 1/2 Mexican 1/2 yeah Im kinda furry. I use it on my legs mostly from the knee down. For some reason my thighs are crazy sensitive. On my under arms, forearms and face occasionally. Holding the skin taunt helps along with the cold pack. With shaving my hair growns back super quick..with the epilator not nearly as fast.My leg hair is definatley lighter. You just gotta get over the pain .


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Johnny Wal
ok so im a naturally hairy person (thanks daddy-o).
and of course, i hate it
(i feel like i should mention im male, to anyone not aware)
and i used to shave my entire body before (Well not like, my head or eyebrows. lol) but then i got lazy and only did it for like, special events. lmao

and so i hate it becuase shaving is a pain, and it grows back so quickly and all that.

ive been looking into an epilator for a little bit,
i know they are supposedly the devil when it comes to pain, but i must say i have a pretttty high pain tolerance.

but does anyone here use one? or have any recomendations for one?
ive also used hair removal cream like veet or nair, but its messy and smelllls

i sweat, a lot.
a lot a lot.
and i hate it (well duh). and ive used that certain dri stuff,
and it worked at first, then it kind of stopped working and just hurting
any tips on that?

thanks a bunch!

Sounds like you need to research laser light hair removal. I used to have excessive underarm persperation, Drysol seems to help.

You can also have lasers zap the sweat glands in your underarms. But if you kill the sweat there your body will direct it out other places fyi.


Make sure that you wear proper clothing, especially during hot and humid weather. Using natural fibers is ideal as they allow proper Some People Saying this Excessive Sweatning occur due to more Sweat glands,there are Many surgery available to treat this air circulation and helps you to keep your skin temperature normal. Cotton is known to be the best fabric during hot and humid weather conditions and wool during winter. Linen is a natural fiber and is as effective as cotton.

Avoid wear tight clothes. When you wear tight clothes, you do not allow enough space for the air to circulate inside your clothing and this will enhance sweating. Tight clothes will tend to increase the skin temperature and thus inducing sweating.

Proper hygiene plays an important role in helping you control excessive sweating. If you are suffering from excessive sweating problem, then make sure that you bathe daily and couple this habit with any other method you’ll use to control sweating.

Avoid spicy food, garlic, red meat and smelly fish if you are planning to meet a lot of people. Your body odour is in a way determined by the food that you intake and garlic, smelly fish or other smelly food substances will alter your body odour. Red meat and spicy food are known to enhance sweating and should be avoided, unless you are planning to spend the rest of the day at home.

Stress is known to enhance sweating and it would help you if you take regular de stressing treatments. Inspirational books, soothing music, scented candles or bubble baths; anything that helps you to relieve stress is ideal for you.

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