Well I thought I'd update in case anyone was interested.
So today is my B-Day and for some odd reason I woke up missing his lame ass when I thought I'd been doing soo well. So I turned on some happy music and wrote a list of all the things I couldn't stand about him...and I was quite surprised how long it was! Though I did/do love him a lot, I guess I was never really IN love w/ him...like we were together for 4 years and I never seen myself marrying him and having childern w/ him...that's kinda a sign right?? I think in the end for me I was just very attached and very used to having him there and I loved how he used to love me. It hurts now that he doesn't feel how deeply he used to, we both made mistakes in the relationship that if we hadn't, maybe things woulda been different but we are young and you live and learn right? Things are still a bit hard, especially now when I see them out together, and I think "grrr! he was mine!", but I have a lotta lotta hope for the future.
I think mostly I'm still hurt cause I was basically a perfect g/f to him and he took me for granted. And in a shallow way I'm kinda pissed and hurt that some girl managed to steal my b/f of almost 4 years away, when she was such a skank, never lost a man to another girl before, hurts the ego
It hurts a little when I think they'll be holding hands and doing all the couple things we used to do together ya know? But you'll be proud to know I haven't called or gone to see him at all..in fact he's the one calling me crying, saying he misses me, etc. Whatever! He begs to keep me in his life but I just stand my ground and say "well you shoulda known this would happen, maybe you shoulda thought of that before you stuck your dick in another bitch!" And believe me it feels good being the strong one now.