I think its a matter of fashion. There are times in history when it was acceptable for men to wear MU but not women, and times when both sexes did quite openly. I don't believe there is a matter of what is right and wrong and I find it ridiculous when people try to argue morality over something so obviously seperate from it.
People need to open their eyes and realize that what they think is "right" is only normal, because its the currently accepted attitude. It will change whether you like it or not, and then it will change again in some other way. Some people always resist the way things are, and some people will always resist change and what isn't THEIR idea of the way things should be. Its natural. The goats and the sheep.. its pretty obvious who is who.
To those that will claim that it isn't natural for a man to care about those things: If you look around in nature and research it, you'll find that quite often its the males that have decorative attributes or whos behaviour is designed to make them more attractive to the females, whereas females are generally plainer and do the choosing. So actually the way we as a society currently see things (emphasis on currently) is more contrary to nature than a man in lipstick.
As for your port lovemichelle, you knew it would cause controversy and upset people, hence the last line of your post. You can claim innocence and that it wasn't your intention but the truth is obvious, you wanted to get your opinion out and felt the need to comment on things you were seeing that you thought were wrong, knowing full well the reaction it would get. I'm not saying you shouldn't state your opinion, you can say what you like.. but no one is going to buy that you were hoping not to offend anyone with it.