Boys walk free over DVD sexual assault of mentally ill girl.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I'd like to point out the reactions on this thread to crimes committed by juveniles v. the reactions to the crimes committed by the juveniles in the Jena 6 thread. Why the huge differences?

Sexual assaunt imho is a lot worse then someone getting his ass kicked.


Well-known member
this is horrible....does anyone have a link on this?

edit: OOPS NEVERMIND i see it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
Though they plead guilty (doesn't mean they necessarily perceive themselves as guilty), they should've received a much harsher sentence

I agree with this 200%.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sexual assaunt imho is a lot worse then someone getting his ass kicked.

Totally agree. I have had ... Well let me just say, I still don't understand the question. I need clarification.


Well-known member
What a bunch of sicko idiots... the assualt sounds horrific, but then to film it?
Morons. They had to have known they would be convicted.

I hope the victim's family files a nice, hefty civil suit against the perps.


Well-known member
that is HORRIBLE!! and the other stuff they've done!

but I'm sorry, where does it say that the girl was mentally ill?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Totally agree. I have had ... Well let me just say, I still don't understand the question. I need clarification.

I think the poster was pointing out that in the case of the Jena 6 boys beating up on the white kid, the response to that was along this line:

"The 6 black students are very wrong for what they did. They should not have beaten that white student up, regardless of what he may have did to provoke them. But not everyone can say that they never make mistakes...especially young teenagers. A punishment is very well deserved, but not jail time. Not charges of attempted murder. Thats ludicrous (sp) plain and simple."

As in they get to harsh of a sentence for what they did.

Wheras with this case (both involveing minors) our Specktrette's believe a much harsher sentence is necessary. And that they got off much easier than they should have considering what they did. And people aren't saying, "oh well they just made a mistake, boys will be boys!"

Does that clarify?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Sexual assaunt imho is a lot worse then someone getting his ass kicked.

I agree so much. Why isn't there a huge uproar over this? Why aren't leaders appalled and outraged and rally for justice. This is sick. This shows what kind of society we really live in. I have an 8 year old sister who has down syndrome and this type of crap makes me want to keep her in the house. If someone hurt her at school, she wouldn't be able to tell me. How is she supposed to live any sort of a normal life when there are people out that waiting to take advantage her. And if they did, the courts would fail her in the justice department.