Breaking out faster than usual?

My skin was starting to improve, and then I bought Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse, and all of a sudden, the breakouts keep piling up. I'm trying to figure out if it's because of that or not. I really love this makeup and the coverage it brings. And if it really is the cause of my breakouts, that'll be devastating :(


Well-known member
Hey girl! Breakouts can be caused by soooo many different things, and it definitely could be the new foundation. Check out the ingredients on the product list. Here are some other things to consider:

#1) Cyclic Acne: The #1 cause of breakouts is cyclic acne...acne that erupts before, during, or after your period. Usually when you come off your b/c pill your skin goes haywire until you get back on it. This kind is vicious and there's not much you can do to control it because it's coming from within your skin. Are you near your period right now?

#2) Stress and loss of sleep: Stress is a huge problem for your overall well being and overall health and definitely causes acne. Are you going through anything majorly stressful in your life? Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your skin.

#3) Improper or new cleansing routine: Did you wash your face and neck thoroughly, use toner and moisturizer? Did you happen to use 1 or more new products? Your skin's balance and acidity level can easily be thrown off just by introducing one new product into your routine and this can cause acne.

#4) Not getting enough H20: Water helps flush out and reduce the amount of bacteria in your body and helps your body push sweat through it's cycle when you work out. It's really important that you drink a lot of water.

#5) Not moisturizing: If you are not moisturizing because your face is "oily", shame on you! Your skin is trying to make up for the loss of moisture...your skin is probably actually dehydrated.

There are a lot more reasons but stress woke me up; I'm tired and I should really be getting sleep for my skin's sake! But before I do so, I'm going to grab a drink of water :D HTH!
I moisturize and drink a ton of water. Plus, I automatically get acne on a regular basis. There's nothing that makes it just act up. I wash my face twice a day, use toner, and a special medication as well