Britney divorcing Kfed


Active member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
its too bad he gets alway with Half of her money thoug..

OMG Thank God he doesn't! She, along with nearly all people with even a bit of money, these days, are getting Pre-Nuptual agreements! I remember reading about how utterly air-tight her pre-nup was even before they got married! I'm wondering if they put in the "gifts" clause (lol, my dad's friend did this!) in which you set a price (usually 10,000 to 20,000) after which the spouse has to return "gifts" given to them by their presumably richer husband/wife during the marriage. Sooo, I'm thinking all that "bling" and fancy cars and bullshit will go STRAIGHT back to Miss Britney
Man, and all those lyrics about his "baller"-spending... I know we will all be LOLing for years and years at those! hahah!

I have seriously NEVER liked Britney Spears, but over the time of the marriage, and seeing her look more and more fucked up, and seeing her husband most likely spend thousands of dollars a night at night clubs (Grey Goose and Cristal does not come cheap :/) WITHOUT HER is just awfullll to see.

I just LOL every time I hear about any girl who gets with a guy literally DAYS after a breakup with another girl (In this case, the girl from Moesha... i don't know her name agh!!) AND EXPECT IT TO LAST!!! OMG Especially when the Ex is friggen pregnant! WTF ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?!? I have seen this so many times, and I just want to smack the girl in the face... immediately after SHOOTING the guy in the face, of course! Ugh!


Well-known member
he gets to keep all the bling. and his ugly Federline Ferarri..
Which he doesnt diserve.. skummy golddigger..

Hes filing for FULL CUSTODY OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!! but not his other two kids...

what an ASSHOLE.. he wont get the kids its rediculous for him to even Imagine getting full custody of the kids!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lsperry
And speaking of previous relationships -- Didn't he leave this woman who was pregnant w/his child for Britney? What does that say about his character or morals. I wouldn't want a man who's already in a relationship and leaves under those circumstances to pursue the next "hot" thing. A total flake!!

What goes around comes around indeed!!

Exactly! Women who feel good about themselves and have self-respect don't want a cheating ass, no good man. What does it say about HER morals? A cheater's gonna cheat, but for a woman to condone the act by being the "other" woman says what kind of fool she is, especially considering this girl had looks, money and her pick of men. Why choose someone's sloppy seconds? She got her just desserts in him.


Well-known member
I heard that K-Fed has a pornotape which he wants to make public to force Britney to pay him a couple of million dollars!


Well-known member
supposedly britney let him know about the divorce thru text message while he was filming a show at muchmusic. HARSH! he raved about his marriage with britney before he got the text.

much news report

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
E! Online news article article article.

She's a fucking moron, that's all I can say. He's a dirtbag, but she's a fucking idiot. I don't know what the actual reason for the breakup is, but that relationship was doomed from the start. And those poor children, it's bad enough they're already a tabloid's dream, but now they're really going to suffer because their mom makes dumb decisions.

and you never make bad choices or mistakes


Well-known member
I just think that as a celebrity you have to know that your marriage is going to be put through the wringer from day one, and you have to be prepared for that. I don't think their marriage was all that strong from the beggining, but what boggles my mind is the way they went, oh our marriage is in trouble, let's have a baby! Oh, that didn't work? Let's have another one! Come on, having kids is hard, it won't fix your relationship. And now they have these two kids who are going to have to pick up the tab for their parents foolishness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
I wonder if she still likes Justin? I was listening to his CD the other day, and the song "What Goes Around..." was definitely about their relationship... Anyhow, best wishes to Britney!

She dumped justin, he's still writing songs about her......who's not over who? lol


Well-known member
did anyone else hear that Kevin cheated on Britney with some.. Dancer type looking brunette?? ... I knew he was a little on the Dull side.. but I thought he was smart enough to know when he had it "made in the shade" .. you don't cheat on Britney Spears... Especially when you don't have a job and she pays for everything you have!!

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