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Bronze Smokey Eye


Hey I'm Jessica. I love watching tutorials so I thought I'd try to make my own. It isn't that great but I hope I'll get better. Any tips would be great


What I used:
MAC "Painterly" paintpot
Urban Decay "Drink Me, Eat Me" (Sin)
Urban Decay "Chessur" (Chopper)
Urban Decay "Muchness" (X)
MAC "Glamour Check!"
MAC "Brown Down"
Urban Decay "Mad Hatter" (Twice Baked)
Urban Decay "Jabberwocky" (Oil Slick)
MAC "Naked" pigment
Urban Decay "White Rabbit" (Polyester Bride)
MAC "Vanilla" pigment
MAC "Prep + Prime Lash"
MAC Dazzle lash mascara
L'Oreal Carbon Black Liner Intense
Urban Decay 24/7 line "Zero"