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Bronze smokey eyes

captain planet

Active member
wow...*shifty eyes* ....gonna steal this look now!


Well-known member
UD = Urban Decay

Thx for this tutorial! I love the technique of using a "middle color" to blend the light and dark one. Very easy and looks hot! I also do this for a silvery smokey eye - forgery on inner corner/lid, black tied on outer 3rd and knight divine to blend them.


New member
I love this look...but I have blond hair and blue eyes I want these colors to work but don'y know if they will, what colors do you suggest? You did a great job!!
this was such a great tutorial, you have an art for blending, I tired this look with similar colours as I couldn't afford the e/s shown
however it turned out beautifully. Hope to see more


Well-known member
Incredible beautiful - I loved everything!! My kinda colours =)
You're so lucky you dont need to wear foundation!!
Looking forward to more of your tutorials!!


Well-known member
Wow that looks gorgeous. You remind me of Tracy Bingham, and I think that is a compliment because I think she's awesome. You're talented with makeup, looks amazing. Beautiful. =)

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