Brown eyes & Red no.5 lips


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzjae
Aww thanks! Yup! That's the color I dished out $22 for last week when we were at MAC. You should get it. It'd looked so good on you!!

I love the jacket too. Your cousin is such a great bf. We drove all the way to SF for it. Haha.

Aww how cute! So did he tell you about my other cousin's play that's going on Saturday evening. I told him about it at the mall the other day and he said he would try and go. You guys should really go so we can hangout


Well-known member
Nice...Red lips, black n white coat, and smoky brown eyes girl u remind me of audrey hepburn...ur soooo freaking gorgeous!!!


Well-known member
I do not have words for your blending. It's too perfect. red no. 5 looks lovely on you. C:

& that coat is great. I love houndstooth!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
Aww how cute! So did he tell you about my other cousin's play that's going on Saturday evening. I told him about it at the mall the other day and he said he would try and go. You guys should really go so we can hangout

I think he's working tomorrow night, but I'll call him later when he gets off. We'll try to go. Hopefully I'm better tomorrow night coz I just got sick.


Well-known member
Lovely! I wish I had your coloring could pull off those hot lips - I would have gladly paid the $22 if it looked that good on me!