Brushes - Numbers Wearing Off


Well-known member
I don't think it makes them look cheap, I just think it makes them look used. Which, for brushes, is a good thing - shows they were worth the investment.


Well-known member
omg, i totally get ya!! the numbers and MAC symbol is rubbing off my precious brushes and i'm actually really sad about it.... hehe, just shows how much MAC means to me.


Well-known member
Tape on brush numbers

A lot of people put tape on their MAC brushes so the number doesn't wear off. I had put nail polish over the numbers, but it was still chipping, so I decided to tape them. I put a piece over my 217, and I noticed it was a little crooked. I guess I'm a freak about stuff like that so I peeled it off to straighten it. I thought it wouldn't be a problem because PinkieCharm said in one of her videos that she can change the tape if the tape starts to get bad. But the number came off with it! Has anyone else experienced this? Or did I do something wrong?

What I also find odd it that none of my SE brushes' numbers have chipped...

(sorry if it's been discussed, I didn't find anything in the search.)


Well-known member
Re: Tape on brush numbers

I think it has something to deal with the brush. SE brushes have plastic handles and the Regular ones have wood handles.


Well-known member
Re: Tape on brush numbers

haha.. I love my MAC brushes but I also hate it when the writing comes off... It's more time consuming when you're trying to figure out what brush you use while making a tutorial. haha...

I was just thinking about labeling the brush number, but who knows when I'll get to that.



Well-known member
It annoyed/saddened me so bad when mine faded away... Maybe they'll come out with a different paint that doesn't fade so easily.

I was thinkin of the polish too, but then i was scared that it would ruin the brushes... silly me...


Well-known member
I've had some of my brushes for a long time, and they've barely faded at all (maybe a little place here and there). I still covered the lettering with clear nail polish though. Hopefully that'll keep it from happening anymore.


I didn't even realize that this could happen!

Just checked my 187, have had it for like 6 months... sure enough, numbers are faded.

Put clear nail polish on it, but really, who wants to see half rubbed off numbers and letters?

Wish I'd caught it earlier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angela
i remember Risa (or was it Juneplum) suggesting to dip you brushes in clear polycarbonate paint. You can buy it at any hardware store =] i have yet to try it, but I think Risa does this to her brushes. HTH!!

Originally Posted by Juneplum
son_risa gave us a good tip the other day.. dip the handle in clear polyurethane sealant! u can get it at any home depot, lowes etc..

I want to protect the lettering on my new Hello Kitty Brushes... (and my other old brushes too while I'm at it)

Does anyone know how long it takes clear polycarbonate/polyurethane sealant to dry?
Dip in liquid or Spray?


Well-known member
That stuff is SO toxic!!! You don't want that in your house- you should be wearing nitrile gloves and a respirator to get into that- outdoors. Read the label and believe it.
Besides- the solvents in those nasties may just dissolve the paint on the brush. Better check and see.

MAC is the best selling make up in the world; the demand is phenomenal and good brushmakers are limited. I haven't been so impressed with a few brushes at MAC; The basic designs are unusual and give the best result but I've been surprised by some poor quality that doesn't live up to the reputation. I had to go through a whole jarfull at the store to find a pencil brush with the bristles tied properly. I expected better.
So send an e mail and complain. The people who tie brushes are in limited supply and MACs market may be overwhelming the capacity they have. But if problems aren't heard about they can't fix them. This number problem and paint popping off shouldn't happen in a make up brush that's washed properly. Getting water into the ferrules will do that to the laquer on the handles eventually but stampings shouldn't rub off. And come to think of it... if the handles are poorly painted that could do it. There's a ton of manufacturing problems possible but MAC won't fix what MAC doesn't here noise about.


Active member
i completely ruined the 219 label by using cheap-o nail polish..

has anyone tried re-writing the numbers with a silver paint pen?


Well-known member
I didn't want to put clear nail polish on the logo and numbers of my first brush but I manipulated it for like 25 sec and the next thing I saw!?! I had already scratched the logo with my nail!!!! only a fucking nail touch...
Now I put a small coat of a good clear nail polish and they look as new as the first day I bought them.

For the person who's having issues with the black paint, either you have fakes if not it's because you put water on the handle: it's a big no !!! don't ever do that cause wood absorb water then it become bigger and everything peel off. You need to wash your brushes by only wetting as high as the ferrule goes, not even a tad bit more. And be sure to make them dry flat or head down.. not up so the water don't travel down on the wood handle part. Oh and also keep the head of the brush down too when you wash them, if it goes up, the water travels to the handle by the ferrule.