Budget time! Collections from May till September


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Eee gads! I guess since it's the only thing I'm spending my moolah on this summer, it's not too bad.

Yeah! I realized the same thing.
Make-up is pretty much the only thing I spend on...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ikara
TOTAL: $277.5
This is $55 per month (may-sept)
(I wish this was real... in europe MAC is much more expensive)

I wish it was real for you too babe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
I highly doubt I'll end up with all of that at once. the only ones that are on my must have list is the pigments.
I know I probably could find them at the CCO's however.. I guess for me I just will get them at the store to save my self the headache and worry of running around (my store is just getting in novel twist) but yeah.. everything else is all up in the air which makes me feel good.

Totally, depending on how the products are in real life, I can cut some stuff out or switch what become my must-haves you know? I just find it much easier to plan things out like this, so I CAN make these decisions in advance.


Well-known member
Ok, May isn't even over and I already blew my budget
I said I was skipping Neo Sci Fi, and well, I lied.
I got a few pieces today and want a few more. *oops*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Ok, May isn't even over and I already blew my budget
I said I was skipping Neo Sci Fi, and well, I lied.
I got a few pieces today and want a few more. *oops*

Lol, it happens to the best of us!
Didn't I say I would pass on Neo-Sci Fi?
I had my mama get me some instead for my birthday!

So I didn't technically break my budget, but I was hoping Evening Aura would be there for my mom to get for me as well... but they didn't get the shipment in! So... I might have to get that one myself unless I B2M for it.


Well-known member
Solar Field: May
Sunpower S/B $19.50
Black Ore S/B $19.50
Bronzescape S/B $19.50
Scatterrays S/B $19.50
Colour Forms: July
Royal Flush Pigment $19.50
Gilded Green Pigment $19.50
Tea Time Pigment $19.50
Circa Plum Pigment $19.50
Steel Blue Pigment $19.50
Overrich: August/September
Blonde's Gold Pigment $19.50
Antique Green Pigment $19.50
Vintage Gold Pigment $19.50
Museum Bronze Pigment $19.50
Mauvement Pigment $19.50
Mega-Rich Pigment $19.50
Copperbeam Pigment $19.50
Heritage Rouge Pigment $19.50

Total: $253.50


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iluffyew769769
Solar Field: May
Sunpower S/B $19.50
Black Ore S/B $19.50
Bronzescape S/B $19.50
Scatterrays S/B $19.50
Colour Forms: July
Royal Flush Pigment $19.50
Gilded Green Pigment $19.50
Tea Time Pigment $19.50
Circa Plum Pigment $19.50
Steel Blue Pigment $19.50
Overrich: August/September
Blonde's Gold Pigment $19.50
Antique Green Pigment $19.50
Vintage Gold Pigment $19.50
Museum Bronze Pigment $19.50
Mauvement Pigment $19.50
Mega-Rich Pigment $19.50
Copperbeam Pigment $19.50
Heritage Rouge Pigment $19.50

Total: $253.50

Wow! you really a pigment/loose eyeshadow kind of person! It's a great investment for the money you are spending. I wish pigments were enough for me!


Well-known member
This is my list, I'm trying to keep to a minimum as I really need to save money right now.

- Neo Sci-fi/Future Earth/Solar Field (£0)

Nothing, hoorah see the self restraint I have.

- Summer Trend Bags (£0)
Don't want any bags!

- Cool Heat (£21.50)
Tropic Glow
Climate Blue

- Colour Forms (£0)
Not available in the UK, can't be bothered with it.

- Tendertones (£10.50)
Sweet Tooth

- New View (£18)

-Sonic Chic (£30)

-Electroflash (£23)
Two To Glow
Fast Thrill l/s

-Overrich (£60)
Blondes Gold
Museum Bronze
Heritage Rouge
Mega Rich

- The Cult Of Cherry (£36)
One lipstick - undecided on colour
Rich & Ripe or Cult Of Cherry
Looks like there is a couple of blushes, I'll get one.

-Starflash Collection (£60)
Grand Entrance
Sunset B
Talent Pool
Mink & Sable
Smoke & Diamonds

- Red She Said
Haven't seen that many photos so undecided for now.

So thats £259 so far , I guess it could be worse and I might end up spending less if I'm in the US when a couple of the collections come out, it will be the August/September ones depending on dates. Plus August 5th is my birthday so I can get some stuff then too and I may B2M on a couple of things, oh and there's that £5 MAC voucher! I would be so much easier to get a few CPs from the US. If anyone would do that, let me know.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Colour Forms
•Lipstick: Pop Circle
•Advanced Brushes
•Basic Brushes
New View: 0
Sonic Chic: 0
Cult of Cherry: not sure yet, but for sure not the palettes
Electroflash: Hot Contrast
Starflash: Lotusland, Mink & Sable, Smoke & Diamonds, Glamour Check!
Overrich: 0


Well-known member
This may be super dorky, and I don't know if it helps anyone, but I thought I'd share anyway:

This is especially for collections where Face Charts are also released, mainly because I LOVE Face Charts and like to try them out...

I never buy from collections right when they're released, because I know if I did I'd over-buy.

Instead, what I do is, I make a list of the products in the collection, then I go through them and write down "dupes" that I could use in their place from my own current collection. Then I re-create the Face Charts or looks that I see from people here, etc., using my "dupes" and I see which of the products I already have will work for me in place of the LE items, and which things I still really 'need'.

Then of course I read Specktra religiously which also points out which products aren't so hot vs. are amazing!

Here's an example: I really wanted Solar White from Cool Heat. So, I used White Gold p/g in place of it for about a week and decided that those two were not the same after all and that Solar White was something I really could use-now I have SW and I LOVE it, AND that was the only thing I bought from Cool Heat!

I really hope that helps someone!
well i planned on having my mac pro card sooner because i love mac but dont want to pay so much for make up. i plan on buying:
color forms- both make up brush sets, warm lip palette and the warm eye palette, all 3 lip colors
at my local cco i want to stock up on eye shadow, lip gloss, lipstick and more brushes


Well-known member
I'm skipping everything except:

Neo Sci-Fi
Magnetic fields - $14

Grand entrance - $14
Lotusland - $14
Mink & sable - $14
Smoke & diamonds - $14
Top hat - $14

(pre tax) Grand Total: $84

not to bad i don't think! i wish i could say i'm done for the year but i know that's not true. i'm probably going to get petticoat msf when it's re-released, and i'll probably get a cult of cherry makeover, and that's at least $50 right there.

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