Bugs, Quirks, Questions

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Well-known member
^yep, thats what i'm getting too. And, some pages are just missing & you get the database error.
If you click on someones thanks to you - I get the same response instead of it directing me to the post they thanked me at.


Well-known member
I too am having some of those problems. I tried to go to my CP and was given a advertisment window only. I had to back click to the prior page to get back into specktra. It's better then yesterday, I couldnt stay logged on but can today. I know these things take time and the more you know the better it will help fix it. Oh, one thing that happens on 99% of the pages is my name, mood, quick links, ect pull downs are all covered by the text on the upper left hand so I cant see them or use them.

Hope this helps & thanks for all of your hard work. I wanted to give you a thumbs up but I dont have any smiley options on this page.


Well-known member
I still see adds, plus I'm getting pop ups
Wich I never have, the way my navigator is setted

Still have to hit refresh to see the page updated


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
(Not sure if any of these have been mentioned)

When I click "Forums" this is the message I get...so I have to go thru user User CP or New Posts then click on a forum or thread that way

http://www.specktra.net/forum/image.php?type=dberrorDatabase errorThe database has encountered a problem.Please try the following:
  • Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
  • Open the www.specktra.net home page, then try to open another page.
  • Click the Back button to try another link.
The www.specktra.net forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Also, I still have to refresh as been noted to see new posts...or if I posts then I can see the new ones without refreshing.

I also have advertisements back as of today....

I am also having some of the same issues. If I log into the blog when I click on forums I have to log in again, because I get logged out. When I click on "new posts" it logs me out. Then I click on "log in" and am taken back to the blog page. I have to click on "quick links" and "todays posts" to see any posts. Here is the message I get when I click on "new posts", eventhough I have already logged in:

You are not logged in or you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
You are not logged in. Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and try again.
You may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, your account may be awaiting activation. If you have registered and not yet activated your account you will be unable to participate in discussions. Alternatively the administrator may have disabled your account, please email [email protected] for further assistance.

Thank you for your hard work and understanding!


Well-known member
Hey im just giving an update..

On the home page, i still get these weird heiroglpyics letters even after i cleared my cookies. Sometimes it lasts for a few hours sometimes a few minutes. This happens only on the home page, if i go to view the "forums" while my homepage is all filled with a LOOOOONG page of heiroglypics the forum works fine.. its just the homepage.. i just googled "specktra forum" and thats how i access specktra.

I also have to press Cntrl-F5 to clear my cache.. or i cannot see a single new post even if there is a week worth of replies... I also created a thread and it doesnt show up on the main list of threads yet i see people replying when i view my thread through my user CP..??


Well-known member
I'm having issues with it updating my mood status, and I can't view any new posts... after I've replied in a thread it shows me only up to my reply, yet I get the daily notification that shows me there has been a number of posts after mine. I also can't thank anyone. It was working fine until today.. really strange.


Well-known member
Hey thanks Janice the new site is great and I know it may take a while to work out the kinks the problem I have is the site not remembering me when I go on to this page, also a minor one the posts use to get blacked out to indicate you had read these ones before but now the dont so I end up sifting through the same fotds also I can't get on to Specktra.net unless I put /forum after it, the home page wont appear anymore it gives a message saying database error


Well-known member
First this was happening:

Originally Posted by TISH1127
(Not sure if any of these have been mentioned)

When I click "Forums" this is the message I get...so I have to go thru user User CP or New Posts then click on a forum or thread that way

http://www.specktra.net/forum/image.php?type=dberrorDatabase errorThe database has encountered a problem.Please try the following:
  • Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
  • Open the www.specktra.net home page, then try to open another page.
  • Click the Back button to try another link.
The www.specktra.net forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may contact them if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

Now this is happening.

Originally Posted by leenybeeny

I cannot access the site. I get a "page cannot be displayed" error. This happened to me all of yesterday evening. Both from typing the URL directly, and from clicking a link within a thread subscription notice email.

I couldn't see the site at all from home which I tried Firefox & Safari. I tried it right before I left home and as soon as I got to work, which is IE, it works. At home I cleared everything and tried so many different combos to try to get it to show up, but nothing. The only good thing is that I'm not seeing the ads lol.


Well-known member
Janice, I still see ads and I cant see my posts when I reply to FOTD's. I've logged out, cleared cookies and logged back in. Still the same, thanks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I am can see ads even though I am a premium member. Just wanted to let you know.

As of today, I am still seeing ads as well. Also, I cannot access my CP, the system keeps asking me over and over again to login.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
As of today, I am still seeing ads as well. Also, I cannot access my CP, the system keeps asking me over and over again to login.

I am having a similar problem - not with the ads but with trying to get into the CP/accessing my messages. It keeps asking me to log in over and over again when I click on "list messages" - but the top links where the new messages come in seems to be working okay (I managed to be able to reply to the messages there but I'm concerned because I have a sale thread and need to be able to reply to people so I don't even know if my replies made it through or not).


Well-known member
I need specific error documentation from members when you are reporting issues. It's the only way we can help you. If you're thrown an error code please let us know what it is and what page you were on when it happened.

If you are experiencing problems with logging in, having problems seeing forums, not able to see your PM, etc and don't mind us logging into your account to replicate the problem. Please change your password to something generic and send a PM to Technical Admin with the generic password and a DETAILED explanation of the issue you are experiencing so that Adam can try to replicate the issue and resolve it.


Well-known member
Can't see the reply to my threads??

I don't think I've ever had this happen before and I'm not sure if perhaps it's because of something I did but I posted two threads yesterday and I can't see any of the replies?? When I go into it, I only see what I posted? LOL..I'm probably not going to be able to see replies to this either???

Not sure if this is where to post this so feel free to move!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Re: Can't see the reply to my threads??

It happens to me too.

I think it just has to do with all of the changes to the site, system's just working itself out right now.


Well-known member
Re: Can't see the reply to my threads??

Try clearing your brower's cache...

What I've been doing is hitting Ctrl and F5 keys at the same time, and it clears everything.


Well-known member
Re: Can't see the reply to my threads??

Mine are not showing up either. Thing is, if you click on my profile, you can see the post! I posted in the thread about the sale under MAC Chat. Based on my time, I should be #16. I'm not in the thread at all.

I also updated my profile yesterday and the changes are gone today.



Well-known member
Right now I can't see the reputations in my User Control Panel and even though I use F5 a lot there are some posts today in threads that weren't there yesterday between the posts that I could read.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capmorlovesmac
Right now I can't see the reputations in my User Control Panel and even though I use F5 a lot there are some posts today in threads that weren't there yesterday between the posts that I could read.

Same issue with the reputation... I can't see who thanked me and although i can thank people, i can't give reputation to them (the little icon under each username has disappeared)


Well-known member
I couldnt log in last night! every time I would it would say redirecting and take me right back to the home page with the login boxes blank!! and it started again this morning, but by some miracle i was able to log in finally.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I have deleted cookies but it is not working. I still face all the same problems. And it seems to get worse because I can't access the site at all for the last two days.
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