Burberry themselves ship to many countries, although I'm not sure about Europe and I believe that Neiman Marcus ships internationally (again, not sure about Europe, but I think they do). Both of those would charge shipping, though.Is there a site that sells Burberry Beauty and offers free shipping (to Europe)?
Thanks for the combo idea! I have girl friendly paint pot and just ordered rosewood e/s this week. And I have ton of other colors to pair it with.I find that Rosewood looks really nice with dusty purples and pinks, even some browns. On some quick makeup days, I've used Girl Friendly paint pot (from the Fafi collection) underneath to bring out the pink tones more. It's a really nice colour actually! Gives a nice dewiness to the eyes. While I don't love each Burberry shadow I have, as you do Icecaramellatte, I do have to say they're quite beautiful when you find the right colour. Currently my Lavender and Pearl Grey eyeshadows aren't making me look as lovely as I'd hoped they would but I keep trying because they're lovely themselves!
I completely forgot that you mentioned this and that we discussed it! I just got some more info from the SA at Burberry Beauty in Toronto:I went to Nordstrom Trend Show event today. Burberry booked me for the event so I stopped by. I ended up getting a few things although I didn't see any new stuff. Every time I asked for an item. The MA said, "oh I have to check if they have it." I ended up talking up the visiting MA. [...] He said that around July 1st they would have a new collection with a teal shadow and I think bronze??? not sure on the other shade because the teal really had my mind spinning. He also mentioned a Fresh Glow in 4 shades and one would be bronze and that the bronze would be really good on me. He said everything would be launched or relaunched in September (meaning the regular line (with the new manufacturer) would be back in stock in September.
As I type this it seems weird, a teal shadow?? I'm not even big on teal shadows but I'm definitely intrigued as Burberry doesn't really do shades like that. But this past Spring Collection with the bright colors was really great.
This might be the best thing. I love Burberry's neutrals but I don't know how much attention they attract. I think having a limited edition collection with brighter colors may do the trick. It might lure in a new customer who will end up buying from the permanent line as well.
THEY HAVE NEW PRODUCTS!!!!! Sorry, I am sooo surprised and excited, especially since I search every week or so for any news (what me, obsessed?). I took a few pictures but not the best as I was stunned just to see them so my brain wasn't functioning as it could have. =P I'll have to post those later as I don't know how to from my phone. Anyhoo, on to the goods. These are palettes with 2 cream shadows/liners and one powder shadow. One is olive & teal creams with a golden powder, the other blackened red and dark teal (reminds me of Beauty Marked and Deep Truth+Submarine!) with a bronzey powder. I don't think the cream counterparts will be great for summer tho as I was able to wipe off my swatches fairly cleanly just as I was leaving the store. I'm really intrigued tho and wish I had more time to play with them but I had only strolled in on a whim before dinner. I might still get on me of the palettes, just don't know which one! Almost forgot - fresh glow is now available in powder form AND in a bronzey shade! So each shade comes in both powder and liquid form. Texture is smooth and buttery as usual, subtle sheen as the original Fresh Glow. =D Oh, and Nude Gold lip glow is back - definitely getting that!
These remind me a lot of the Cle de Peau palettes that were released for spring 2013, but those have all powder products.Found some promo images and swatches at this blog. http://lifeandlensofbeauty.blogspot.com/2013/06/burberry-summer-splash-palettes-swatches.html
An SA at Nordies called me for an event during the anniversary sale and said they would have the new products.
Coral Pink Blush is beautie. Hope You love it.$309![]()
I figured "Go big or go home".... I guess the new powder foundation will have to wait till fall! If anything, I'm proud of myself for not getting the Fresh Glow powders - not like I really "need" the Fresh Glow bronze liquid as I'm not getting any kind of darker that fast. I'm just really curious about it and want to swatch it properly! I also wonder if it'll do better on my decolletage than other bronzers as Fresh Glow original did as a highlighter/primer under my foundation.
Hopefully these will be in my hands on Friday!