

Well-known member
Is anyone else experiencing this? The economy sucks, so sales are down. Christmas season just ended but we went into big launches and events...GWP is coming up which means pre-sell goals...

I'm feeling at the end of my rope. I dread going in- I still love doing consultations and seeing my favorite clients, but as a whole, I can't summon much enthusiasm for my job.

Throw in major nasty health problems, and you've got one unhappy MUA (though I promise I don't take it out on clients).

Anybody else have this feeling? Any suggestions? I've been at my counter two years and haven't been this down before.


Well-known member
I burnt out so hard I quit my job. I was a manager, now I'm technically what you'd classify as a casual. I'm still employed on paper, but I haven't opted to take a shift in nearly two months.

I gave nearly three years of my life to X company and all I ended up with was a nervous breakdown, a variety of stomach ulcers and a physical gut reaction to the mere thought of going back to work.


Well-known member
Wow....the physical gut reaction thing....yeah, I get it. I feel like either crying or vomiting before I have to go in. Oh man...I think it's time for a new job. Are you working anywhere else?


Well-known member
Wow I actually feel like that about my job as a consultant too...I feel like its such a burden sometimes because they haven't taken the economy into consideration and they have no regard or compassion for your personal life. My life isn't work!!!


Well-known member
Effective Oct 4th, 2008.. Being able to stay home and run my husband's and my business has been the best decision for my stress level... The money working in the corporate world was fantastic but there had to be more than devoting over 75% of my life to a job and still bringing it home with me at the end of the day. I have less spending money now...But more time with my family and less stress...Fair trade off


Well-known member
that really stinks, i'm sorry =/.
all i can suggest is maybe do things every saturday to make people stop at your counter to build your client book and call people during the week..but that's way easier said than done these days. with pre-selling my only suggestion is make little sample bags you can give people who pre-sell. like if the gwp starts on 3/1 and today is 2/26 you could say "oh, if you'd like to come back to pick this up on march first you'll get this awesome gwp.. plus if you pre-order today you'll also get this gift bag of samples to go home with today!".. people love their samples..

it's a really shitty time now, i am only working at BE on saturdays i got a "real job", i actually love it though. it's SO much less pressure than retail. it's nice to not have to hear "GOAL! AVG. SALE! UPT! ADD ON!" i mean keep that in mind to, as much as makeup is supposed to be fun...during these times it's kind of not, so it may be worth it to look at what else is out there =/..


Well-known member
Sorry to hear it. I will agree that sometimes the fun of makeup is taken away. I have heard of many people that have moved on and feel like a weight has been lifted off their chest. It kind of ebbs and flows for me...but I DEFINATELY know how you feel with the economy/sales situation. "Hey! The economy has taken a shit, let's jack the goals up!"


Well-known member
And in our case, it's been, "Hey! The economy sucks and we're in one of the poorest areas in the country...so let's jack goals up sky-high AND cut two positions so that those of you who are left get to split those positions' goals amongst yourselves- and if you don't make plan, consider your job in danger"


Well-known member
we are going through tough times at our store as well. we had to lose 2 people then one more quit, we have actually been busy, almost too busy. everyone is making goal but it comes with a cost. our bodies ache, my feet are swollen every night (yay for heels on a concrete floor), its stressfull. also im part of management, so extra responsibility falls on my shoulders, sometimes i wish i were just a part time artist. i will tell you what my manager tells us "enjoy your days off to the fullest". get out, do something interesting and fun so you can break up the monotony and just breathe!


Well-known member
I can only imagine how you guys feel. I'm glad I am not working at least for now anyway was in the banking industry and my ex colleagues tell me crazy stories of the way the bank i was working with is cutting costs etc. Sad thing about it is that my MBA program ends in september and the nightmare continues for another 3-4 years for me.