business cards !!??


Well-known member
okay so im going to make my first ever free lance business
cards for myself.
sadly, i have nooooo idea what to put. lOl theres jsut so many
ideas i have that wont fit on a business card lOl.

any one have ideas, sample cards, pictures, ect. ??


Well-known member
what are they for? my makeup business cards have a photo on the side of a shoot i did (simple clean beauty shot, just of model's face). it says "Makeup Artist" on top and then i have my name, phone number, website & email.
Keep it simple.


Well-known member
Putting a photo on the business cards dates it as fads quickly come and go (if it's of yourself, your look can change in a year). Look into nice cardstock (thicker the better) and paper embellishments, etc. Consider double sided. Glossy supposedly makes it harder for a person to write on the back, but I haven't had issues if it's a ballpoint and not felt.

Put on your name, what you do makeup or hair wise, number, email, website.


Well-known member
If you go for glossy, only have glossy on the front so that you can write on the back. For example, when you select "glossy" from vistaprint, it is only the front of the card that gets the glossy finish.