Buying premade quads off ebay...


Well-known member
I want to start collecting some quads and I'm wondering if there are a lot of fakes? I've looked through the guides for fake e/s singles, and I'm wondering if the quads have ever been faked so well? I did a search on Specktra and saw pics of very obvious fakes- I wouldn't fall for those cheap looking ones- but when a fake is done well, it is hard to tell in pics! IMO, some of the singles are scary good!

Is it safe getting some quads of ebay? If there are fakes, which collections were most popular to fake? TIA


Well-known member
The quads are probably ok so long as you dont purchase anything like the nasty looking ones that were identified here. for the most part its singular e/s and some pigments that are getting incredibly hard to pick.


Well-known member
Ok thanks. I just wanted to know if there was anything I should look for or be careful of. I love Ebay but it's so bad sometimes. I collect Gwen Stefani's LAMB line too, and received a couple of fakes before I knew better. I know once you start buying a particular line often enough, you get to know the signs, not to mention the good/bad sellers.


Well-known member
It is getting harder though to spot fakes, especially the pigments. The quads are pretty safe though so long as you stay away from those revoulting things seen havent seen a particular collection or specific quad being duped yet by the fakers so you should be OK