Calling all lipstick Gurus....


Well-known member
I just got this lipstick in from my supplier yesterday and the Nordstrom sticker was still on it LOL. ($13.50). Anyways, I don't remember seeing this lipstick tube before. Even the package is kind of, I dunno, it has a canvas-y feel to it. It's "Film Noir". Was this part of a collection or is it an old tube? Does that bring value up or down? Thanks in advance, this has baffled me! ALSO-The number is 7J221 if that helps!


Well-known member
for a secondi thought it was a really bad fake untill you said that was old packaging! i have to say it i prefer the bullt packaging they have now!! I would like to think it brings the value up but then again im no guru!!


Well-known member
The first lipstick I ever bought from MAC was in 2002, it was spirit, and even then it was in a bullet, I dunno, must be pretty old. I'll still wait for more answers. The number couldn't pull anything up on google. LOL This must be a dinosaur!


Well-known member
I don't either, it can't be googled. Apparently it came out before people started blogging about it.


Well-known member
That's ollldddd packaging. My first tube of "O" and "Del Rio" came in that exact tube. That was probably 1997. I came across Del Rio last year and threw it out (whoops should have taken it in for b2m)


Well-known member
I still have the tube from my very first mac lipstick that i purchased in 1997, its the only one i've never BTM-ed & it is in the bullet form. That thing must be really old!


Well-known member
Thank you all so much! I think I will just keep this little treasure for myself. No, I wouldn't wear it, the lipstick itself looks old. (sweating stains, etc; ) but the bottle and packaging is pretty kickass in my opinion.


Well-known member
Wow, that's OLD! Its funny, my mom just B2B'd some old flat topped l/s and most of them were her favorite color .. Film Noir lol


Well-known member
Yikes! I have (or had...) an old tube of Film Noir from my college days and it was the bullet packaging. I might have tossed it (before I knew about B2M T_T) since it was really old, I almost never wear it, and it's a difficult shade to pull off.


Well-known member
It's funny because I asked my mom who's right behind me "Mom, when you used MAC lipstick was the packaging like this?" and she said "Uh huh". My family and MAC go way back


Well-known member
This is old packaging!
But wow they still sold it??

I still have a used up Myth tube in the same packaging & I bought it in the 90's! I keep it for the nostalgia