Calling all Metal Rock MSF owners


Well-known member
I wish I owned Metal Rock! I love glitter and I don't mind it on my face. lol! You metal rock owners are lucky! I wish Mac would bring it back!


Well-known member
Not as glittery you say?! I'm going to have to try it.
So, have you tried the Mandalay Dusk illuminating powder yet? Your thoughts on the comparison? I was thinking about using the Mandalay Dusk as a bronzer one day and taking a fan brush and lightly dusing the Metal Rock atop. It's a slow day at work; these are the things I think about lol.
Is anyone looking to sell their metal rock? I'm an nw45 and I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE!! I purchased one a few years ago on livejournal only to have someone steal it!!!!! Hope some of you who don't use it are willing to sell


Well-known member
You may want to peruse blog sales. Every once in awhile I see someone selling one on Instagram but I wouldn't trust it on that platform.