Can a happy medium be found for customer/MA?


Well-known member
I've read, re-read several threads, posted my experiences (good and bad) at the makeup counter. How, is it even possible, to strike a happy medium between the customer and Makeup Artist?


Well-known member
From a consumers point of view, if they are respectful of me, I am respectful of them. If our personalities are compatible, I go back to them again and again. Not to say I don't stray if they are swamped, and I am too busy to wait, but I think customer loyalty is more lacking today then it used to be.

I tend to me nicer by nature, though. I buy products if I have my face done, I don't return something unless I have to (allergic reactions, wrong product, etc), and I treat people who work in customer service as human beings, which some people forget to do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by righteothen
From a consumers point of view, if they are respectful of me, I am respectful of them. If our personalities are compatible, I go back to them again and again. Not to say I don't stray if they are swamped, and I am too busy to wait, but I think customer loyalty is more lacking today then it used to be.

I tend to me nicer by nature, though. I buy products if I have my face done, I don't return something unless I have to (allergic reactions, wrong product, etc), and I treat people who work in customer service as human beings, which some people forget to do.

I've become friends with several MA artist from being a loyal customer. I agree, respect goes a long way and should be given and received. Now that I have been buying makeup for several years, know what I want, I always take in a list (which I get from doing my research). If I'm trying new items I politely let them know, when asked, I'm just looking. When I have questions I look for an available MA to help me. I tend look for someone or they come to me, that's helped me in the past. I think it really boils down to the customer and MA all have bad days and from the customer stand point we know when we shouldn't be around other humans

It bothers me to read and see so much bitterness towards one another. I know I can't and don't speak for everyone, buying makeup should be an enjoyable experience for all parties involved.


Well-known member
I agree respect goes a long way. I'm never a demanding or inconsiderate customer, and so far I've never been disrespected. I have been rushed, which I don't care for. I do think that your bad day, or bad customers should never be reflected on the next person, and that goes both ways.


Well-known member
remember the bell curve. Most of the customers complained about consist of a very small percentage of the whole. VERY small. and the FAN FREAKING TASTIC customers are also a small percentage. most fall right in that "happy medium"


Well-known member
I believe its' possible to have a happy medium. feel i should be treated the same way in return. A point was brought up earlier about personalities clicking, this is big to me, the customers i remember and remain loyal to me are the ones who are interested in what i have to say and offer, they listen as oppose of strictly wanting to buy a shadow because we are a makeup store and not care where or how to apply it. I'd rather educate than sell, sell, sell. I feel some customers and mac artists alike put up fronts (not speaking about EVERYONE, i know we have alot of great artists and customers.) and have a preconcieved notion that they are only buying one thing (from mac artist) or we are all pushy and snotty (from customer), if that stops then i think we'll all improve our artist/customer relations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACgirl
I believe its' possible to have a happy medium. I'm a mac artist and I treat everyone with respect, and feel i should be treated the same way in return. A point was brought up earlier about personalities clicking, this is big to me, the customers i remember and remain loyal to me are the ones who are interested in what i have to say and offer, they listen as oppose of strictly wanting to buy a shadow because we are a makeup store and not care where or how to apply it. I'd rather educate than sell, sell, sell. I feel some customers and mac artists alike put up fronts (not speaking about EVERYONE, i know we have alot of great artists and customers.) and have a preconcieved notion that they are only buying one thing (from mac artist) or we are all pushy and snotty (from customer), if that stops then i think we'll all improve our artist/costumer relations.

I really appreciate what you had to say.


Active member
Customers that are the most loyal, are the ones that I give my honest opinions and not just try to sell them things. They leave with things that they really want/need. Of course, everybody is human and things might not work for you. This happens. As a general rule, people tend to make an informed decision before they buy something. That is where the MA comes in. However; there are people that don't and just return stuff and there are also people that just woke up angry or are always angry at the world


Well-known member
I don't know, I tend to agree with pixi and ellyd. Most customers and MAs are happy people, but a small percentage of the population are a**holes in every respect of their life, and that includes to customers (or MAs). Of course as pixi pointed out, a small percentage of the population are also overly happy people. At any rate, at some point in time everyone will encounter an inconsiderate, angry and/or rude person and the only thing that can be done is to rise above and flash that person a smile. Either the smile will be contagious or it will piss 'em off even more, and in both cases, you win!!


Well-known member
Just speaking for myself, having mutual respect is key. Of course if I seek your help and the MA spends time with me picking out an e/s, lipstick, whatever, I'm very likely to buy something, because I wouldn't waste their time asking for help if I didn't intend to buy on that visit. Sometimes, though, I go to the mall with friends, and I just feel the need to poke around for a couple minutes, and not buy anything, just look, maybe test a couple colors I read about on here. In those cases, I will just politely tell the MA that I'm just poking around and I don't need any help at the moment.


Well-known member
I agree and do the same. Sometimes I want/need to poke around before I make my selection. When the MA ask if I need help I let them know no right now and if they don't give their name I ask.

Originally Posted by liv
Just speaking for myself, having mutual respect is key. Of course if I seek your help and the MA spends time with me picking out an e/s, lipstick, whatever, I'm very likely to buy something, because I wouldn't waste their time asking for help if I didn't intend to buy on that visit. Sometimes, though, I go to the mall with friends, and I just feel the need to poke around for a couple minutes, and not buy anything, just look, maybe test a couple colors I read about on here. In those cases, I will just politely tell the MA that I'm just poking around and I don't need any help at the moment.