Can sexual orientation be picked up by the way someone walks?


Well-known member
I have really good gaydar. At least, according to my gay friends. I don't look at how they walk though, I somehow can tell. I dunno if it's complex clues I pick up, or even the walk, but I can tell. So I think there's some truth that some characteristics are inherent in gay people, that it's inborn.

But just looking at walking, I can tell with the man, but not really with the woman.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I have a pretty good gaydar myself, but in a woman its hard to tell by the walk.

Tyra had a doctor/scientist on a few weeks ago that did a test that lets you know if someone is gay. It was not a scientific test, but to our surprise he got it right for all of the 6 men who participated.


Well-known member
I know a lady who walks just like her dad does. He father wanted her to be a boy and even dressed as one as a child. She walks just like the Lesbian in this brief video. She prides herself as being very aggressive. She to my knowledge has never been with a woman and always gets very ticked off if anyone suggests she is gay. So, I don't know. Can some have masculine or feminine traits and not be gay? Does someone one always give off body language of their sexual orientation? I don't think so. I think someone could really fool those scientists. Who is saying all those participants are being totally honest about their sexual orientation? The other thing, how you are build makes you walk the way you do too. So, I think it may have to with your mind and body. Ah, what do I know?

It was an interesting study.

A bit off topic ----I learned in a psych class that toddlers can recognize if another other toddler is a boy or girl by they way they move and walk. While the adults, could not always tell.


Well-known member
I have pretty good gaydar in men and women. There are so many jokes i could make about this topic but I dont wanna get in trouble.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Short answer: not always.

There are so many men who could be anything. I know an older gentleman who builds furniture and is typically masculine, including in stride, who is gay. Not everyone sashays around if they're male and gay.


Well-known member
I think they're stereotyping people, and you would expect better from a credible news agency like MSNBC and what medical researcher would even entertain this as being "scientific proof." I wonder if the way I walk means I'm sexually adventerous or right handed? Or perhaps the way I hold my fork indicates that I'm good at Guitar Hero..

bite me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ms. Z
I have a pretty good gaydar myself, but in a woman its hard to tell by the walk.

Tyra had a doctor/scientist on a few weeks ago that did a test that lets you know if someone is gay. It was not a scientific test, but to our surprise he got it right for all of the 6 men who participated.

LOL, I watched that show,and I don't watch Tyra too often but she was uncomfortable with the whole topic because she felt that it was promoting stereotypes.. She was very surprised that the doctor guessed right for all their orientations as well. He used a lot of different ways to pinpoint whether the men were gay or straight, including the walk.

Sometimes I can tell when a man is gay, whether it's because of the way he walks or other traits really tends to vary. I know a woman who is very masculine, from the way she walks to the way she talks. She's often mistaken for a lesbian, but she's not; she just has a lot more testosterone than most women do.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Travis
I know two gay men with wheelchairs... I don't find they "wheel" differently :p

I'm trying not to, but I can't