Can somebody help me with my nose?


Well-known member
I can't believe I'm posting this for anybody to see, but I'm very self conscious about my nose. I don't feel like it fits my face...

I think its kind of wide at the top and it kind of takes up a lot of space..

Does anybody know how to slim the appearance of a kind of wide nose?
(The pic is about a year old, btw)



Well-known member
Honestly darlin, you look just fine. You *could* contour, but it's easy to go overboard and would probably call more attn than you want...


Well-known member
ok youre way gorgeous and your nose looks fine. But i know how you feel about being self concious iwth your nose becasue mine has this gigantic bump and i hate it.
Anyways i agree with the above, contouring is hard to do and if its not done really well it will bring out your nose even more.


Well-known member
I second that absolutely nothing is wrong with your nose! If you did want to try some experimenting, however, I read this is a magazine once (I have never tried it), but I remember it saying that one trick to make your nose look narrower is to put a line of paler foundation going from the top to the tip (to make it look thinner) and then blending the edges of the foundation really well into the rest of your nose with powder. I guess that kind of makes sense, but I'm sure, like the rest of the girls said, that if not done perfectly I'm sure it would look kind of strange with a line of white on your nose!


Well-known member
As people said above you could try contouring it takes a bit of practice. Use a darker powder down the sides of your nose to create shadow and a lighter one down the middle. Don't make it to obvious though as it will draw more attention.

I think you are gorgeous anyway I wouldn't stress to much.


Well-known member
Totally agree with snowwhitequeen, i was just going to type the same exact thing, btw ur nose is beautiful and so r u hon


Well-known member
For contouring, I think you use a darker colored foundation on the sides and a highlighter down the center (correct me if I'm wrong).
Do whatever makes you happy. If you try playing up another feature (like eyes or lips instead of face) you can draw attention away from your nose.

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