Canadian Federal Election


Well-known member
Just voted! Its the first time I've been old enough, the last election was either the day of or the day before my 17th birthday.


Well-known member
im watching with bated breath.
i must say that i do not want Harper in, but this is the outcome i predicted (from the way it looks to be turning out)
If the conservatives get a minority.... well... it won't be so bad, but i was looking for a change. a big one.


Well-known member
oh canada..

Its just sad that about 40% of Canadians do not vote.

If you don't vote you have NO right to complain about ANYTHING.
I hate the apathy.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I voted yesterday on my way home from work. I also didn't want Harper to stay. But yeah, minority government doesn't hurt. Liberals need to find a better leader, nobody liked Dion as far as I know....


Well-known member
I guess Trudeau will be the next Liberal ''chief''

I hate sooooooooo much that Harper was re-elected
People are retarded or what?
He lives in 1945...


Well-known member
i voted Green, in the hopes that my little vote will send a message that i'm not happy with the "big" parties and their lip service.

i can't believe Harper was re-elected. wtf.


Well-known member
yeah, calling this election pretty much changed nothing
except wasted money on campaigns
waste of time.

We need someone to breathe new life into all the parties.


Well-known member
I know I am WAY late on this topic

Anyway, I did vote and I always vote. It does bother me when people say "I don't bother" or "it won't make a difference". Of course it will because if everyone thought that way then literally it will be possible for hoodlums/nutjobs to run our country. I was kinda uninspired but I voted for the best candidate that will cause the least amount of pain to get us through this impending recession. You can see I am pessimistic this time.

Originally Posted by NutMeg
Just to put it out there, who else thinks its weird that the PM is never directly elected by the people? Especially because the system is set up to give him an incredible amount of power.

I was wondering about that during the elections. I am not an expert by all means but this is what I have learned - our political system is based on the british system. We don't do "popular vote", such as in the States. And I understand why now. Because if we did then the densest populated area such as TO, Vancouver, Montreal and possibly Calgary will hold all the voting power. And since certain cities can predominately favour one party (I know for a fact that TO is big on Liberal party, and historically Liberal) it can be see as unfair for the small towns and less populated areas of Canada. I think the pro about our system is that even if you are in a small town you can have a voice and not be overpowered by the sheer number of a big town.

On the flip side you could argue that perhaps the densely populated cities should be able to benefit from the power of direct voting since we are likely to project the most amount of taxes which often subsidizes for the lesser provinces which require government transfers to sustain a deficit running province. Hmm did that make sense?

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
I'm so disappointed that Harper was reelected but I know that the party I voted for probably wouldn't get in either. At least I contributed some money to their part though by voting.

What annoys me though is how so many people didn't vote. They will probably be the same people complaining about what a bad job the conservatives will do again.

His campaigns were like a joke. I don't get how he got that many votes.


Well-known member
i had a hell of a time getting out to vote, as did many of my class mates. By law, we're supposed to have 3 hours to go vote, but i know for some people that wasnt enough time (1.5 hours from school to vote and then back is sometimes not enough from downtown to my school) That being said, its no excuse. our countries future is more important.

I ended up missing an hour and a half at the beginning of the day. I was like the 5th person in to vote, and during that time i saw some people being turned away because they didn't have the proper documents (proof of address). I agree that there is way too much apathy, and someone needs to light a fire under everyone's ass, but i also think that voting should be made easier. I don;t know what the soultion is, but something needs to be done. Its so frustrating.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
They did have advanced voting and that's what I did to avoid any line up. Not that there probably would have even been a line with how few people actually voted, but still. There were still other options.


Well-known member
I had to wait about half an hour. I voted on campus, at UBC. It was pretty tricky for students to vote this time based on the new rules regarding proof of address. I get all my bills online, so I had to get my residence to fill out a declaration of my address.

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