Catherine Pics


Well-known member
I'm not head over heels for this collection...just like I wasn't for the Diana collection, anyway I'll see when it's released, we just got the Lingerie pics, I need some time to process


Well-known member
Wow, that all looks great! I definitely want those quads, and maybe one of the lacquers.


Well-known member
hmm, can't decide if I love or just feel meh about it. I have to see it in person to make sure the colors are unique enough to buy.


Well-known member
I'm totally jazzed about this collection!! I've loved her since I was young, esp with Bowie in the Hunger!!! I'm going to buy everything that I don't get in Gratis!!!!!!! And prob 2 of the Kabuki brushes. As far as the whole age thing that's been going on in the thread, my custys at my counter vary from 13 y/o drag queens to one of my fav ladies, who is a 88 year old Scotish lady who LOVES her Ruby Woo and Russian Red lipstick!! Most of the people I see are older woman, and they come to me since I'm not 21....I really not worried about us loseing any customer base due to this collection. I mean, remember the visuals for Fibre Riche. It looked like Tammey Fae Baker on crack! We are truely an all races/sexes/ages company, if we weren't I'd be done. Only at M.A.C could a almost 30 year old woman who is blind in one eye due to Multiple Scerosis, be the most certified woman at her counter!! As for ol Paris Hilton, the day she becomes an Icon is the day I hang up my brush belt and turn in my staff card!!


Well-known member
MAC is going to have a kabuki brush! Yayy!!!
I think I may also want the concealer brush becouse of the pretty colored handle...if i dont get one before then.


Well-known member
I'm so ignorant: the brush you all seem to want (kabuki) is that the small or the tall one in the pic?
Sorry for my stupid question!


Well-known member
Kabuki brushes are just coming back into general usage imo so don't feel bad about not knowing what it is Joke!

Its the short fluffy brush thats on the right in the pic. Tempting but so $$$!!!


Well-known member
Some of the lip products look really pretty-- I'd love to see swatches!

The quads don't appeal to me, though. And the Blushcremes look like they won't work on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
what is catherine???

catherine denueve the french actress. In a ton of French films and plays. Did you see Dancer in the Dark with Bjork? She's in that too.


Well-known member
Not liking the Promo pic of her, doesn't look very 'MAC like' or arty etc but the colours of the products might be worth checking out, nothing's standing out for me but lipsticls/lipglass might be nice, though i decided LE stuff should be avoided so i don't find something i love which i can't then have.
Are the Studio Lights things LE? If they are then i think that's abit silly as something like that is a general NEED product if it works for someone and different to just giving us some exiciting new e/s or lipstick colours for a limited time to play with. I have dark eye circles which annoy me alot, so i'd be interested in a product like the Studio Lights but also hesitant to if it's LE as it'd extremely annoying if it worked great for me and i could only use it for a little while.

Ok now someones going to tell me it's permenant and this was meant to be obvious...


Well-known member
hmm..i like the bronzey belle azure packaging over the golds...but the colors seem nice...
cant wait to see these in person!


Well-known member
Im oinly digging the brushes, I wish I could get into more. Hopefully it'll grow on me

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