Catholic VS. Atheist ::round one:: DINGGGG


Well-known member
I totally agree with RaeRae. I was raised Catholic and consider myself agnostic and my fiancé is Hindu. Both of our parents are devout so the wedding preparations should be a lovely mess! We are going to honor both of our traditions because growing up I went to Catholic weddings and I always thought that’s what a wedding is and he is the same for Hindu weddings. We are together because we do share the same morals and ethics regardless of how we came about having them. We have talked extensively about how to raise our children and have both agreed to just teach them our morals and ethics. We want to raise open-minded loving children who can go out into the world and just be a good person. We will introduce them to everything wonderful about Christianity, Hinduism, and anything else we can get our hands on. Considering how open-minded and accepting we are we want to instill that in our children. I want to let them know there is a whole world of beliefs out there and let them choose what jives with them. I have beliefs and consider myself more spiritual than anything. However, when trying to match my beliefs to a practiced faith I’m all over the board. I don’t want my child to be constrained by a religion if that is not his or her choice.

I truly believe that your love for each other is the best thing you can do for your children because it will be the backbone for every single relationship your child will have. I am an idealist though and I don’t have children yet but it definitely helps in our situation that neither of us are devout we simply believe what we do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
It doesnt bother me that he is atheist too bad- if he just doesnt talk about it and express that he doesn't believe it God, then I am ok. But when I hear the words, I always like tear up or cry.

That's hardly fair, considering he probably doesn't ask you to refrain from mentioning that you DO believe in God. Saying you're okay with Atheism as long as he doesn't mention it around you means you're NOT okay with it at all.

He shouldn't have to supress who he is, just as you shouldn't have to supress who YOU are.

It sounds like he's already make a lot of compromises, so perhaps you can try being more accepting of who he is and what he believes (or doesn't believe). He obviously accepts you, if he's willing to go through pre-marital church counseling and such.

I don't know what to tell you about kids, to be honest. My husband and I both agree that our daughter should be given options, and she can pick a set of beliefs, or choose not to believe in anything. But, we want the decision to be HERS. Sounds like your husband wants the decision to be made by the kids when they're old enough, which obviously makes sense to me, but I can see why you're not into it.

Point is, you've gotta work all this out before the wedding. Find a compromise. You can instill moral values in your kids without attaching a religion to it. Morals and religion are not mutually exclusive.