CCO Haul!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nht408
how much cheaper are mac items at the ccos? and why are they cheaper...?

I believe it's 30% off retail. And it's usually just older stock stuff that they want to sell so that they can make room for new stuff, I believe. Kind of like other retail stores will send stuff from older seasons to outlet stores to sell off to make room for current season's stuff.

Back on topic: definately a great haul. My CCO never seems to have anything worthwhile.


Well-known member
i wnet to a CCO here in FL.
i bought 13 piggies, 9 shadows, 5 lipglasses, 2 lipsticks, 7 eyekohls, 2 lipliners and 4 different bags.

and 2 blushes.

i had no problem.


Well-known member
I dont have a cco anywhere near me but I think thats totally messed up that they wont let you buy more than 3 of diffrent colors... not everyone wants to sell the stuff they buy and for them to say that people in the same "group" cant buy more than 3 either is really messed up, what if you went with a friend that was from a good ways away, you still have to share your pigment purchase, thats so retarted lol..

great haul though I love all the colors you got!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
I dont have a cco anywhere near me but I think thats totally messed up that they wont let you buy more than 3 of diffrent colors...

Their "restrictions" seem to vary by store and also by the SAs. I think they also vary depending on if they recognize you as a frequent shopper and have suspicions that you may be at all reselling. There is absolutely no consistency to their policies. I'm taking a short hiatus from shopping at my local CCO b/c I had a close call recently and am not about to get banned!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by freyja313
Their "restrictions" seem to vary by store and also by the SAs. I think they also vary depending on if they recognize you as a frequent shopper and have suspicions that you may be at all reselling. There is absolutely no consistency to their policies. I'm taking a short hiatus from shopping at my local CCO b/c I had a close call recently and am not about to get banned!

they can ban you? really? Thats nuts... I mean I understand they dont want people reselling things on ebay, but I mean people buy stuff at the regular store and then go resale it on ebay a month later after its sold out and make a huge profit... I think its dumb...

some people like me have an adiction... we like makeup so sue us lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by brandiisamonkey
they can ban you? really?

Yup. I'm on another board and a gal posted that she was banned from the same one that I shop at. I was shocked b/c I had shopped there a number of times and all the SAs had been very nice and helpful. However, I had a close call myself when I expressed a little too much interest in a particular product so decided to step back from the CCO for a while. (Sorry for being so vague - don't want to post too many details b/c you never know who may be lurking!) :spy:

ETA: I think it's stupid too. Isn't the whole point for them to sell the stuff and get rid of it?