CCO virgin---what should I expect?


Well-known member
Going to the CCO in Albertville, MN, this week--it's my first time and I don't know what to expect when I go. What should I look for? Basics? Discontinued items? Current limited editions?



Well-known member
You never know what you are going to get as their stock is constantly changing. If you hit it at the right time, you could get some great stuff. I'd just buy things that catch your eye, and things that you will get use out of. The one thing you can expect is lower prices than you would find at Mac, and that is a beautiful thing!


Well-known member
If they have good stock... expect to go home broke!

Seriously though, I went about a month ago to the one closest to me and they had OOODLES of MAC. I made it out spending less than $200, but it was hard. They had lightscapade and porc. pink MSFs, Barbie beauty powders, 3-4 quads, at least a dozen pigments.

My biggest recommendation is to really look at what you HAVE before you leave home, because depending on your CCO, it may be pretty overwhelming.


Well-known member
Well, it was a little disappointing. I had hoped to find Barbie and some MSFs but alas---none. I did pick up some tendertone lip balm and a few basics---plus some very promising Origins foot cream. I don't think I'd make a special trip just to go to the nearest CCO (Albertville, MN) but if I was going to the outlet mall anyway, I'd be sure to stop.

Thanks for the help. Saved my husband a bit of money but hey, there's more I can spend on the N collection!


Well-known member
Aww. It's just very hit and miss. Plus the BLM stuff has been at the outlets for nearly 2 months now from what I can tell, lots of time for it to get sold out. =(