Cell phone...and a Sidekick?


Well-known member
I've currently got a cell phone as well as a Sidekick. Once I started booking jobs & needing email more & such, I needed something with email, but my cell company (Verizon) made me mad & was going to make me pay full price for a Palm phone, so I got a Sidekick instead (which has turned out to be better anyways).

I <3 my Sidekick so much and my contract is just about up on my Verizon phone. I'm trying to decide if I should just give it up & switch all over to the Sidekick, or if I should keep my phone with Verizon.(and which should I get-Chocolate Cherry, Razr, or Krazr?)

*Won't have to carry around 2 phones
*TMobile is cheaper than Verizon (200 more minutes for the same price)

*My family has Verizon so I would lose the In-Calling
*When I am anywhere outside of a major city, TMobile doesn't always have service

So what do you all think? Thanks!


Well-known member
Hey, I am with t-mobile and have had a sidekick for about a year. I started with the skll, the just got the new LE DVF SK3. I use it as my everything, phone, email, notebook etc. I find it is much easier, the call feature are fine, and I do not have too much trouble with service unless I am in the middle of nowhere. As for not being able to do the free verizon calls, t-mobile has plans with so many min. even without the in network you would prob. still be fine. That is just my opinion but, I think it is do-able.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C.tastic
Hey, I am with t-mobile and have had a sidekick for about a year. I started with the skll, the just got the new LE DVF SK3. I use it as my everything, phone, email, notebook etc. I find it is much easier, the call feature are fine, and I do not have too much trouble with service unless I am in the middle of nowhere. As for not being able to do the free verizon calls, t-mobile has plans with so many min. even without the in network you would prob. still be fine. That is just my opinion but, I think it is do-able.

Thanks for the input!

My parent's do live in the middle of nowhere...and it's not my minutes I'm really worried about, mostly my sister & mom, they both like to talk to me-a lot & are only on a family plan w/ 125 mins a month.


Well-known member
The biggest single thing about your situation is losing the in-network calling. If you think the extra 200 minutes a month w/ T-Mo will be enough to cover that, then (if it were me) I would simplify by paring down to just the SK.

I'm thinking about a second phone because NONE of my calls are within T-Mo's network.
Getting a small phone from Cingular to make free network calls (my husband & family are all on Cingular) and only using the kick for data (txt, internet, email, etc) is tempting. I also want/need a second phone that small and convienent to carry in a pocket while I am working. I'm having to leave the sidekick in the car while I'm in accounts because I don't have a convienent way of carrying it around and my hands need to be free. I'm just not sure if I want to incur the added expense of another cell phone on a plan.


Well-known member
I have tmobile and the service is....TERRIBLE!!! I dont get service in my own house in the middle of the town! thats just my input though

Id get the chocolate, (the krazr is nothing special its basically a razr.which are junk) that is if you stick with Verizon.

Although 200 minutes is hardly anything.. you probably talk to your family more than 200 minutes. although you COULD get the "top 5" from tmobile added onto your plan and have free calling to 5 people!

Off Topic
I am in love with your tattoo ,., im actually jealous that I didnt think of it first! my favorite book ever.(and movie)


Well-known member
This is what I would do. Renew a contract with Verizon because you could get a better plan and actually have a functioning phone. See if they could give you a deal on a Treo for renewing. I would not keep service on the SK. You could sell it to offset the price of the Treo.


Well-known member
Hah, I was in the same situation which is why I kept my SK and also bought the D&G razr. I'm too much in love with my SK to part with it and go for a treo or blackberry. But if you're not too commited to it, I'd just stick with Verizon and get another type of PDA/phone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
although you COULD get the "top 5" from tmobile added onto your plan and have free calling to 5 people!

Sidekick isn't compatible with T-Mo's "My Faves" program.


Well-known member
I used to have a Sidekick and traded it in for the 700p Treo. Best decision I ever made. There's no way I could go back to the Sidekick ever. The Treo works so much better than any other phone I've had.

Oh, and don't get an LG, they're pieces of junk and get HORRIBLE reception.


Well-known member
I see the novelty in SK, but I love my Treo. I sync with 5 different email accounts and so much more. It's basically my whole life in the palm of my hand. I highly recommend it.

And, the deal with the Top 5 on SK is crazy! WTH is up with that!??!


Well-known member
I have a SK3 and I started with a SK2. I love this thing and I have no problems with my TMobile service. I had Verizon for about 6 months n then paid the cancellation because they screwed me. They over charged me every single month.

But the whole in network calling maybe an issue. None of my family has tmobile either but I just watch my minutes.


Active member
I had the same situation you did when I lived in NYC, except I had a blackberry, not a sidekick. I eventually got sick of dealing with carrying both and I switched over to all blackberry and I was REALLY happy. No service is perfect in NY, and Verizon's got slightly better reception in the city, but T-Mob was fine and it was sooo much cheaper. Verizon charges an arm and a leg for data plans.

I just got the new blackberry pearl from T-Mobile - it is free, basically, if you go through amazon and do the two year contract. I am totally in LOVE with this phone. It's the size of a normal phone but has all the functions of a blackberry/sidekick, has an mp3 player, a camera etc. but it's just so damned teeny. I'd really suggest checking it out.

But either way, I'd say dump your verizon account. It's just too much money to pay both!


Well-known member
sidekicks are pretty cool and all, but tmobile has pretty bad service everywhere. Like my friend had it and we went on vacation, she barely got service anywhere.

oh and i have a krazr and i looooove it!


Well-known member
thats bull bout them not letting you get a new phone ............because they have to let you get an early up grade but to cualifiy your price plan has to be 69.99 or more , or to get 100.00 credit twords a new cell after 2 years u dont have to have a specific price plan for the 2yr upgrade credit..... i know this cuz my husband works for verizon.

what i did was i had my husband do an early up grade we paid full price for my treo 700w( were with verizon) and we got a 150.00 rebate and we got our 150 back in form of a check and in the mail!
just make sure u send it the rebate recipt, and labes on the box and make copies that way they cant say shit ...lol

we love verizon but to each their own , good luck !,id stick to verizon !


Well-known member
I had verizon for a year. I LOVE it! its a bit higher then the others in price, but the reception is really good. at least for me it was. Now I have cingular which I dont have to pay for . IT SUCKS!
I HATE IT! the other day the fire alarms went off and it took at least 30-45 minutes before it gave me reception to make a call.
The only reason why I still have it, its just that i dont have to pay for it.
Verizon gave me good reception in Mexico as well. I received calls
but I didnt pick em up cus of roaming! heheh
but yeah I loved verizon and if I could go bak to them I would.