Cell Phone Suggestions?


Well-known member
I posted this on another forum, but no one responded...haha. I was looking at threads in here and found a few cell phone related ones and you guys seem knowledgeable. Sooo...

I currently have Virgin Mobile and have calculated that I spend about $40 a month and my mom spends about that much or more. We're considering switching to a plan and I think T-Mobile would be cheapest, about $60 for 700 minutes.

I mainly text and my mom calls, so would this be our best option? I also want a Sidekick or Blackberry...so would it be extra to get internet access and all that?



Well-known member
Internet/data is extra on most every carrier. And, text is usually not included in plan minutes, depending on the carrier. Have you checked out T-Mo's site?


Well-known member
i think internet/text are seperate. Except I know that verizon is like free to call/ text anyone else w/ verizon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xsnowwhite
i think internet/text are seperate. Except I know that verizon is like free to call/ text anyone else w/ verizon.

yup some of that is true we have 5 cells and we call call eachother and other verizon users for free and we pay like $150.00 with texting ,email,and web use and 3000 share minutes and we mainly text i have the treo 700w for web and email and a 9800 for calls and texting my husband has a a 9800 and a chocolate and 9 year old daughter also just earned and now has a chocolate but she just up graded from her amigo....lol

anyways with verizon they have a 1 early up grade program or an up grade program that takes 2 years.... with the 2 years they credit u 100 dollars so u can up grade to a new phone with in 2 years and u do it over the phone and wait for them to mail you ,your spankin new cell phone but if u do it at the 1 year mark you forfit your 100 dollar credit and have to pay in full for your new phone and most likly you got to go all the way to the damn store but you get ur cell right then and there....lol dont i sound like a verizon employee ?....lmao

anyway thats all i know because we changed from t-mobile to verizon and i like verizon a while lot better and there phones are nice plus the side kick from tmobile is soo over rated but i dont pay the bill or know the rest of the plan...lol, thats my hubbys job...

hope that helps ... and good luck on finding a phone and company that fits ur needs!


Well-known member
I have tmobile and just to let you know, they charge a lot of fees for things. I know it's common with cellular phone companies, but just a heads up. If the plan says like 49.99 a month it will probably end up being 55-65 dollars a month with fees/taxes. And it is extra for internet and extra for texting, so factor those in, too. I guess what I'm trying to say is I like tmobile, but the only reason I'm staying/stayed with them for so long is because they have the sidekick that I one day hope to get, and they're the only other company besides Cingular (that I know of) that uses SIM cards. Good luck and I hope everything works out!


Well-known member
yeah shes right t-mobile has sim cards aand as a safty issue they are better also u can transfer them from phones to other phones that accept sim card thats a cool feature too......


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C*Attack
yeah shes right t-mobile has sim cards aand as a safty issue they are better also u can transfer them from phones to other phones that accept sim card thats a cool feature too......

yup my thoughts exactly! The big plan is to save up enough to buy a neat unlocked GSM phone from overseas (like some cool ones I've seen only out in Europe) and pop in my sim card and use that. Kind of weird, yea, but I likes me my cell phones hahaha


Well-known member
a lot of plans have text/net packages for 5-10 dollars, usually totally worth it for those texters out there. i have cingular and love it... and they carry the blackberry pearl =)


Well-known member
I have a T-Mobile Sidekick and I love it! I do pay a lot ... about $80 a month but I have a LOT of minutes and the plan I have is not something they offer anymore. I pay an extra $20 for texting and internet and AIM and all that good stuff. If you get a sidekick be sure to pay the extra for the insurance!!!! Trust me, paying that much for a phone you need insurance just incase.

I don't have a family plan so idk bout that but from what I hear T-Mobile does have a good family plan. I also don't have a Blackberry because it just looks a bit too confusing lol. I had the choice of a SK3 or a Blackberry and I went with the SK3 because it looks much easier to function.