cell phones. Can you here me now?!


Well-known member
Ok hunnies I need your help! I currently have a blackberry pearl and although I love my phone to death I think I need an upgrade. Ok not really but I really want a new phone.My hubby agreed to get me a new one this week.I was looking at the blackberry curve but who know's how many hidden gems are out there. Razors's iphones, palm teros So... What cell phone do you guys have and what do you love and hate about it. T.I.A


Well-known member
If you want the phone to do everything, get an iphone and you won't be sorry. You can download music, podcasts, browse the internet, text message, etc. It's like having an ipod, computer, phone, navigation device, camera, all in one.


Well-known member
i dont like the crazy cell phones that do everything. i have a motorola w490 and it takes pictures, emails, videos, blah blah blah. works good 4 me


Well-known member
I have an LG prada, no matter what phone I have in the end the main things I really care about are calls, texts and pics; about the iPhone...I've heard it's gimmicky and not that great and let me tell you touch screen can be cool but it can get annoying. It depends on whether asthetics or features are most important to you?


Well-known member
I love my LG Chocolate. Might not be the most advanced thing out there but It's a still a really nice little phone. But I would love to give the LG Viewty a go,


Active member
I currently have the Blackjack II and I love it!

It does everything a basic smart phone does and then some. It does the typical things like browse the internet or download applications onto your phone (gps navigator, weather, or even an application that will tell you what local stores are having special deals or coupons) and since its a windows mobile it will sync with your microsoft office files such as word, powerpoint, excel and will even read pdf files (this is super useful for me since I'm a student and this allows me to edit my microsoft word files on the go without needing a computer). You can sync your e-mail accounts on the phone. The phone allows you to set your Mp3 songs as ringtones as well. The camera is also of good quality and even has some photoshop type function to adjust brightness or crop the picture even. The camera also doubles as a camcorder as well.You can even log on to AOL IM, Windows messenger, or Yahoo messenger. The games include solitaire and bubble breaker as well as a demo which you can buy the full version of a brain challenge game similar to Brain Age on the Nintendo DS. The battery life is pretty long...on a full charge I was able to get a full 2 days out of it and I talk a lot as well as using the applications on it. There are just a tons of features that I haven't even gotten around to playing with yet but so far I love everything I've found.

Before my Blackjack II, I also had the Sidekick 3 which I liked but it did not have a lot of capabilities especially for the price tag and being a full QWERTY phone. It was very basic: internet, AIM, text, calendar (but no alarm, you have to purchase the alarm), music player, games, camera, etc. I just don't recommend a Sidekick even the new ones because nothing has been changed on the new ones except that it has a new exterior look. Well, a Sidekick can be good if you're just looking for a basic phone with a full QWERTY keyboard and don't need the extra applications.

The iPhone seems like a good option as well. My boyfriend has one but I think it's just preference. I personally don't like the touchscreen and find it a pain to use (it's easier for me to text/type with actual buttons than touching the buttons on the screen). Other than that, the iPhone has a lot of functions as well - GPS, weather, youtube, internet, stocks. Recently, the screen on my bf's phone also froze on him and I've heard that it's common but maybe it's been fixed with the new versions. He sent it in and got it back fixed pretty quickly though. Before the iPhone, my boyfriend had the Blackberry curve as well and he didn't seem to like it all that much - I'm not sure why except he sold it and got the iPhone instead.

I think it just depends on what you need your phone for. If you're not going to use all of the features, there's no point in spending a tons of money on a smart phone with applications you'll never use. When I was younger, I loved my Samsung slider phone SGH-T09 because it performed all the basics and even had an Mp3 ringtone capability but now that I'm on the go and busy all the time, I find that having a Blackjack II is useful since I'm not always at a computer.

Sorry it's so long. Hope it helps!


Well-known member
I am with At&t it used to be cingular.I still havent upgraded because I still dont know what phone I want.Its so hard to choose.I need it to be pretty,easy to work with,it needs to be a PDA/smartphone and it also needs to have a camera.My blackberry has everything I want but I just want a change.Thank you to all that responded I actually forgot I wrote this.lol


Well-known member
If you want to wait a month or so (around June time) they are releasing a new iphone. If you want everything integrated planner, internet, camera AND video, and even GPS I would wait for it. It's coming out with the new 3G technology, meaning much much faster than most phones out there right now.

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I have a Pearl too and I want a Curve too lol. My brother has one already so I dunno how he's gonna take it having the same phone as his little sister! I'm just like you I dunno what I want to upgrade to exactly but I know I'm a little tired of the pearl :-/


Well-known member
I seriously cannot say enough good things about the Blackberry Curve. Its the best phone I've ever owned. Everything just makes sense on it and works exactly like I want it to.
I love it because its really customizable....like menus, buttons, options, everything! I love it to death.


I have the Blackberry Curve with AT&T and I honestly have no complaints about it. It is the best phone that I have owned to date.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
If you want the phone to do everything, get an iphone and you won't be sorry. You can download music, podcasts, browse the internet, text message, etc. It's like having an ipod, computer, phone, navigation device, camera, all in one.

I'd get the Nokia 95 instead of the iPhone anyday. The iphone doesn't even have MMS, video capture, or instant messaging. The Nokia also has an expansion slot.

Apple iPhone vs Nokia N95 - PDA-phones

Although, I'm not big on expensive phones, I prefer very basic ones where I can call & txt message.


Well-known member
Good Post. I've been thinking about getting a new phone too. Right now I have the gold Dolce & Gabbana which is a beautiful but basic phone. My son just got the iphone & he loves it. I'm gonna check out the curve too.


Well-known member
I'm a mobile device professional on the technical side...not retail side. I do network and hardware.

Here is my iPhone review: Onezumi: Art. Comic. Insanity. Words. » Blog Archive » iPhone Review by a Cranky Heavy Metal Artist

Thought I'd hate it as others said here. I love it. It's by far the most stable os on the market. If it's a gimmick, the gimmick is that it doesn't crash a lot like most of the other devices. Its not as expandable as others, but it also won't crash like Windows Mobile and the hardware won't die every few months like Palm is prone to do I blogged about that here: Onezumi: Art. Comic. Insanity. Words. » Blog Archive » Palm Treo 680: Enough is Enough . For reviews of all phones, the best place to go is phonescoop.com

N95? It's ok, but the price point kind of makes it meh for what you get. The N95 isn't really the same thing as an iPhone. iPhone is more of an Internet phone, the n95 is a feature phone on steroids. Its a different animal altogether. Its a lot better than the awful and crippled n75, but it runs on Symbian. Symbian has issues. My husband regrets buying his. Nokia has great devices but hasn't supported a lot of their new devices as well as I'd hoped. (For example, n75 and n800/810 Internet tablets were pretty much not supported.) Web browsing on Symbian is not great, but if you are not worried about that it's fine, but IMO overpriced and not an iPhone equivalent.

Of course each person has different needs so there is no Right Answer. For example, my cousin just wants texting so she'd be best with an LG NV. If your needs arent heavy the n95 as well.
I need desktop-like Internet and stability so I went iPhone.
I used to have an Audiovox 6600, 6700, Treo 680, samsung sync tethered to a Nokia n800, and Nokia N75 (Lots of others, too)

I am posting this from my iPhone with my finger typing so I hope I phrased this right and don't come across the wrong way!
It is hard to type sometimes.

Things change fast. 6 months ago I'd have bought an n95 or a Pantech Duo.

LOL now that I've outed myself as an über nerd.. XD. I know phones in the biblical sense and I talk too much and hack my devices too much. LOL. I'd be more than happy to help anyone if I can. Soon I'm writing a guide to choosing a phone.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I have a chocolate T-Mobile Sidekick LX.

It cost a bit, a little over $300, but it's great! Love the features, the plan, the look of it. It has all the basics plus MP3, download programs, internet, IM, MySpace [downloaded], and a bunch of other things.


Well-known member
I currently have an old nokia 7270, i love it, im so used to it, damn, thats the best phone ever. I sometimes really want something more upgraded, but well, i'm ok with what i have, all i do is call or text anyways. I love t-mobile sidekick so much, unfortunately they don't sell it here at all, and we cant use it with our operators even if i buy it outside the country when i travel... Damn, sidekick is damn nice. Also, i like blackberry, we dont have it here aswell lol.. The only idea about replacing my celly is Nokia E90, but damn, i love mine way too much.

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