Oh trust me, I know! I'm not a lipgloss person whatsoever, but to me that particular shade is
totally worth the money. I just B2Med about $90 worth of MAC lipglasses, and I'm more irritated about the money wasted on those as opposed to the 1/3 of that total that I spent on this one color. Conversely, I'm not a foundation person whatsoever, so I have no interest in dropping any sort of major cash on that area of makeup. (Especially not when I just bought and tried what is my "HG" foundation
can it be Holy Grail if it's the only one you have? - Revlon Nearly Naked in Cappuccino - for a killer $2.49!) Like they say, "One person's trash is another person's treasure."

Yep, totally sucks. I don't get brands that don't cater to deeper and very light skin tones. We exist, marketing execs -- we always have!