Chanel Fall 2015


Well-known member
I don't know----I just want them as soon as they're available!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Vineetha



Well-known member
I didn't realize that Golden Sun was a repromote. I found several reviews of it from 7-8 years ago. There's even a swatch on Specktra from 2008 . Lots of disappointed ladies posting about it being D/C'd after many years. I'm guessing Vibration is new since I didn't run into any info on it from the past.


Well-known member
I'm guessing Vibration is new since I didn't run into any info on it from the past.
I saw that swatch too! I wondered if it was the same. It looks good to me. I meant to post it earlier but I forgot. Here it is:


Well-known member
Are these a part of the Fall Line?
I bought them on Saturday, then went past the Counter today (Monday), and the SA I spoke to today said she thought they might be from a future collection - whereas I was told on Saturday by a different SA they were part of Fall 2015 here. The highlighter has been put out here and displayed as part of Fall 2015 - it will be interesting to see if that is also meant to be from a future collection.

I don't like my chances of getting a straight answer any time soon- all that matters is I have my JC's safe and secure at home


Well-known member
I bought them on Saturday, then went past the Counter today (Monday), and the SA I spoke to today said she thought they might be from a future collection - whereas I was told on Saturday by a different SA they were part of Fall 2015 here. The highlighter has been put out here and displayed as part of Fall 2015 - it will be interesting to see if that is also meant to be from a future collection. I don't like my chances of getting a straight answer any time soon- all that matters is I have my JC's safe and secure at home:haha:
So the SAs are kinda iffy on their product knowledge outside of the US as well. I've never seen or heard of the HL. I tried to google it but came up with nothing, no images, no info. It looks just lovely in your swatch, so I'm really hopeful that we'll be receiving them soon.


Well-known member
I'm guessing Vibration is new since I didn't run into any info on it from the past.
I don't believe it is a repromote, the swatch on Specktra is nothing like the one I just bought. I googled it and found some reviews which seem to match the Specktra image:

One reviewer identified it as "Golden Sun/Terre Brule".

I googled Chanel Golden Sun and chanel terre brulee golden sun blush came up as a predictive text suggestion.

So, brace yourselves for a new JC in town!


Well-known member
I don't believe it is a repromote, the swatch on Specktra is nothing like the one I just bought. I googled it and found some reviews which seem to match the Specktra image: One reviewer identified it as "Golden Sun/Terre Brule". I googled Chanel Golden Sun and chanel terre brulee golden sun blush came up as a predictive text suggestion. :cheer: So, brace yourselves for a new JC in town!
Thanks for the Info!! I guess they just recycled the name lol I just thought maybe the person went to town in their swatch from a few years back. I much prefer the shade you swatched, so yay!! Looking fwd to these new products!


Well-known member
Thank you for the Info, and so glad you were able to find these beauties!!
LOL...I just try not to even ask anymore, it's not worth the baffled looks and I never get anywhere with it

I googled the HL too, and nothing at all. It is pretty, I haven't worn it yet, as I planned to yesterday but had to quickly tone down the Vibration blush which I had not anticipated to be so pigmented and then rush off.

You're very welcome! I hope they make their way to you all very soon!


Well-known member
Any time! I'll have some more pics soon - I'll post them in the JC thread to be on the safe side! They should just make every blush they ever made permanent!
Look fwd to more pics whenever you get around to it! And I completely agree, keep them all permanent and keep us ladies happy!


Well-known member

Caution: Not Safe for Work

You're welcome
!I thought I was safe until I zoomed in. If you enlarge the pic, you can see the little dot in the middle
The nip almost slipped past me

There are some rough lesions type bits on the top right left side too! Craters, nips, dips and lesions...oh my!!

I took this pic in sunlight by the window sill. It is very pigmented, and not sparkly or frosty. It reminds me of Angelique in that regard. I'll take more comparison pics next to other JC's.

I'll need to use a brush more suitable for pigmented blushes!
But boy is it ever beautiful!!!! Thanks for all your pics & info my dear!


Well-known member
I don't believe it is a repromote, the swatch on Specktra is nothing like the one I just bought. I googled it and found some reviews which seem to match the Specktra image:

One reviewer identified it as "Golden Sun/Terre Brule".

I googled Chanel Golden Sun and chanel terre brulee golden sun blush came up as a predictive text suggestion.

So, brace yourselves for a new JC in town!
Good to know. Thanks!

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