After wearing the foundation some more I have to admit that I lovelovelovelovelove the new Vitalumiére Aqua foundation

My bf did not notice me wearing it and commented on my glowing skin. Normally he has a very good eye for it when I am wearing foundation (and blush for that matter). One point. I applied it the day before yesterday with a MAC 131 and it looked gorgeous. It keeps my skin looking like skin and not like something is sitting on top. It did not give my skin this bronzey tint that I normally get when wearing most foundations. Three points. Removes easily as well. One point. Feels invisible and like it's not even there once it's on and has this amazing finish, very glowy but not like someone took some bacon and rubbed it in your face. It reminds me a bit of the effect of MSFN if that makes any sense. Satiny, I suppose. To points. Applies and blends like a dream. I thought I was using the wrong brushes so far, but it just melts in your skin. You could probably apply it with a spoon and make it would look good. One point. The packaging sucks and you end up with product all over the nuzzle and the cap. Minus one point. You have to shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake the bottle really well to mix the foundation and get it even enough to apply. I suggest you do that with alternating arms every time you do it, otherwise you might end up with a tennisaehmfoundation arm

. Zero point (at least you get some workout). Not 100% happy with the colour, but it still works as it blends so perfectly. At least that's what I am telling myself. My bf didn't notice it, so all is well. The smell is much more intense than I like in my products, but like MissQQ already said it does not linger. Did I mention that I love it? I am not sure I did. I seriously do, it's the kind of foundation I have been looking for, light coverage to even out the redness in winter, easy to apply and does not look obvious and make your skin look weird. Supernatural. You really cannot see that I am wearing it, except on the freckles on my nose. I will make some half-half tests with the MAC Mineralize foundation and the NARS Sheer Glow and let the bf decide which one looks best/most natural on me. But the Vitalumiére Aqua was definitely a great buy. Sorry for rambling. Btw, I have dry and sensitive skin. Not thrilled with all this silicone in the foundation, but it still is a great product. Below are some swatches I tried to do, maybe they help somebody. Excuse the messy swatches, I tried it for the first time. Comparison between the different Vitalumiére Aqua, MAC Mineralize foundation and NARS Sheer Glow. MissQQ, what do you think so far? Do you still like it? And was the other colour better?