Chanel Joues Contraste blushes


Well-known member
Hi Medga. Hahaha Okay I will back it up, thanks for the advice.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I need support, or enabling? hahaha. I live 1.2 miles away from a Macy's and about 6 miles away from Nordstrom so I'm always checking out Chanel products if I finish work early. Tonight the Macy's store didn't have the Rose Bronze in stock so the SA ordered it from another store. I currently have Fleur de Lotus, Accent, Emotion, Rose Ecrin, Frivole, Tweed Rose Brun, Rose Petale and In Love. Waiting on Caneille and Rose Initial (Nordstrom Beauty Event). This is so dangerous considering I bought my first JC a month ago. Yikes! Makeup is my only guilty pleasure right now, used to be purses and shoes. I'm glad I found Specktra! Love it!
Absolutely love your JC selections Timmi!!!
Very addictive are they not? Have fun building your JC empire!


Well-known member
Thanks Dominique - I already have my eye on them!!

I just ordered 2 Discretion blushes from ebay at a reasonable price - I don't want to ever run out lol. I am crazy about this JC!!
I had to look up Discretion because I wasn't familiar with it---OMG---so gorgeous.


Well-known member
OMG yes! JCs are very addicting! I bought Accent from ebay and lately I have been stalking ebay to see what else I can buy, hahaha. Now I have to look at Discretion, hmmm. I saw Fresque at Neiman Marcus website. Do you ladies recommend that?

I got sidetracked a bit this weekend and got 4 creme blushes (Intonation, Revelation, Presage, Cheeky). I focused on the 3 LEs and will leave it at that, at least for now.

I hope everybody had a good weekend!


Well-known member
OMG yes! JCs are very addicting! I bought Accent from ebay and lately I have been stalking ebay to see what else I can buy, hahaha. Now I have to look at Discretion, hmmm. I saw Fresque at Neiman Marcus website. Do you ladies recommend that?

I got sidetracked a bit this weekend and got 4 creme blushes (Intonation, Revelation, Presage, Cheeky). I focused on the 3 LEs and will leave it at that, at least for now.

I hope everybody had a good weekend!
I'm amazed by the different available JCs that the stores have. It's not consistent at all. I got Emotion & Fleur de Lotus when they just appeared on Nordie's web site a
few months ago. The same thing happened w/Pink Explosion. I've never even heard of Fresque, but I did look it up.

SCORE!!!! Love your selections Timmi. I've hit pan on Presage & have thought about backing it up but something else always distracts me and wins that battle.


Well-known member
I noticed that online none of the stores seem to have the same JC blushes in stock, always one or two different offerings! I can't wait to see which colors are available In Paris!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   I'm amazed by the different available JCs that  the stores have.  It's not consistent at all.  I got Emotion & Fleur de Lotus when they just appeared on Nordie's web site a[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   few months ago. The same thing happened w/Pink Explosion.  [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]I've never even heard of Fresque, but I did look it up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   SCORE!!!!  Love your selections Timmi.  I've hit pan on Presage & have thought about backing it up but something else always distracts me and wins that battle.[/COLOR]
I agree Medgal it is the same here that is why ladies who want to buy JC blushes ( récent or other ones such as Espiègle which was launched for spring 2011 ) have to Check out at their local Sephora or stores, not consistent at all and sometimes à bit crazy ) but worth checking out !


Well-known member
I noticed that online none of the stores seem to have the same JC blushes in stock, always one or two different offerings! I can't wait to see which colors are available In Paris!
Yes---that's been my experience too Calla. JC hunting in Paris sounds like a dream come true!


Well-known member
Canaille swatches

I've exchanged it for Rose Initiale as C. is not a shade I would wear often but I'm thinking of going back for it. It's such a great blush.


Well-known member
Canaille swatches

I've exchanged it for Rose Initiale as C. is not a shade I would wear often but I'm thinking of going back for it. It's such a great blush.
I think you should go back and get Caneille. Lovely blush. I also read your review.


Well-known member
Ok ladies, please excuse my ignorance. I'm a late bloomer when it comes to makeup. Those plastic things to protect the actual blush when you first buy them, do you toss them or keep them in the compact? Do you store your JCs in the velvet pouch? Please educate me, lol.