Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Hope you find your Emoi! I bet it will turn up.

I got my order already and here are a couple of pics. I did not include L'Exuberante because I was mainly trying to show comparisons and that one is in a class of its own. Although they're both reds, next to Somptueuse Fascinante looks positively pink - that is not just my picture, I was struck by that immediately when I swatched them side by side.

First pic was taken outside and the second was taken inside by a window.

From left to right La Raffinee - La Caline - La Fascinante - La Somptueuse



Well-known member

Uh...the reds are gorgeous. Oh I bought the pink & the red Kate Spade lipsticks & love them! The lipstick itself in the tube is shorter than any lipstick I've seen
The pink is different than any pink I that is amazing!
Aren't they AWESOME? I didn't realize there was so little product in there though. Hmph. I'm glad you like those lipsticks... I think they are truly wonderful.


Well-known member
It's not quite as bright in person, but this is a pretty decent job of capturing it. I love it. It applies smoothly and it doesn't dry my lips out. I chose it because it kinda reminded me of Mehr by Mac. It's a bit pinker and maybe a little darker, but it's the same family. I wanted something similar but not as dry. Mission accomplished. I can't wait for La Ravissante. I would love to buy another, but the other colors either don't excite me or I don't need it. I refuse to buy another red lipstick!

Okay, I'm glad I got Rafinnee. I was thinking that's what it would look like. Love the pictures Shontay... whew, your skin is FLAWLESS!


Well-known member
Thanks for the pics, Gail! I can't wait to get my order . . . do you find Caline and Raffinee similar or is there enough of a noticeable difference? I know they always look different on the lips than swatched (at least on my lips!).


Well-known member
On me Raffinee and Caline definitely look like they're in the same family, but Raffinee has more pink in it and is more "lively" looking. I have mauvy pigmented lips so they'll probably look different on you. If I'm remembering correctly you said you had really unpigmented lips....that we're all jealous of!


Well-known member
Shontay, you look gorgeous with those lips

and if that's the Chanel foundation.. you hit paydirt.. fantastic finish! enjoy!

msqq... glad you found your Camelia.. lol. I always lose stuff too.. I don't bother looking anymore cause it just makes me crazier... and they are usually right in front of my eyes.


Well-known member
Shontay, you look gorgeous with those lips
and if that's the Chanel foundation.. you hit paydirt.. fantastic finish!  enjoy! msqq... glad you found your Camelia.. lol.  I always lose stuff too.. I don't bother looking anymore cause it just makes me crazier... and they are usually right in front of my eyes.
Thanks, HerGreyness and everyone for the compliments. :kissy: Yup, that is the Chanel foundation. I'm going to use it more often now that I know how to apply it so that it works on my dry skin.


Specktra Bestie
I told myself I was going to stick to one to start, but I ended up unable to choose between La Sensuelle and La Fascinante. I was surprised at how different they both look on me... Oh dear. Wallet angry. Lips happy.


Well-known member
On me Raffinee and Caline definitely look like they're in the same family, but Raffinee has more pink in it and is more "lively" looking. I have mauvy pigmented lips so they'll probably look different on you. If I'm remembering correctly you said you had really unpigmented lips....that we're all jealous of!
Yes, my lips are about as pigmented as Saran Wrap LOL
I can't wait to try mine on Friday . . . do you use a liner or a brush when you apply the velvets??


Well-known member
Thanks for the link, Michelle! It is very very tempting! I'll be trying really hard to exercise will power for now, because I have spent about 550 bucks on makeup and beauty stuff in the past 3 weeks or so.


Well-known member
My favorite so far is La Raffinee, but I really love La Fascinante and L'Exuberante too. What I don't love is how my lips feel after trying them all on & taking them off repeatedly in 1 afternoon.

Michelle, I have not been using a liner or a brush, I'm too lazy, but with the more intense/darker ones I tap the lipstick on and smoosh it around with my finger to wear it as more of a stain rather than full-on.


Well-known member
My favorite so far is La Raffinee, but I really love La Fascinante and L'Exuberante too. What I don't love is how my lips feel after trying them all on & taking them off repeatedly in 1 afternoon.

Michelle, I have not been using a liner or a brush, I'm too lazy, but with the more intense/darker ones I tap the lipstick on and smoosh it around with my finger to wear it as more of a stain rather than full-on.

Those are my favorite 3 too

My bottom lip was actually bleeding in one spot after trying so many ls & glosses on.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hope your lips heal soon, winthrop and elegant! Sounds painful! I have dry lips and if I forget to apply something moisturising for a few hours, they will hurt and the lower lip will split in the middle and bleed a bit. I'm really torn as to whether I should buy more velvets. I love the finish and the colours, but they aren't moisturising enough.

Michelle - Yay for getting the velvets tomorrow!

Shontay and Ingenue, great that you found the right shade for perfection lumiere! It's so hard to find a foundation with the shade and finish we like.

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