Specktra Bestie
Oh wow... That looks so gorgeous on you!!! I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstick I do not need another red lipstickWhooo... I love ALL of my Velvets! I had so much fun messing around with them (and I'm officially a member of the bleeding lips club). They are a bit of a beast to get off, and you HAVE to moisturize your lips, or they will just be chapped all to be damned when you try to take the lipstick off.
But I'm a huge fan of the silky formula, and I love the way the color grabs the lips.
I'm wearing La Somptueuse today...