Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Nora -- so sorry you had to re-do your window treatments. But I'm glad you got something you liked. I love the decorating stuff!
Do they celebrate Halloween in Canada? Are you kids dressing up??

Hey ladies! Sorry it took so long, but I did see all your nice posts, thanks! I have to go back still and catch up with about 9 pages or so!

We're still waiting on our shutters, but at least got the reimbursement for the difference!!! MissQQ, I love shutters as well. I guess we just thought we'd try something different, since we had shutters in our last home too, but I'm excited to have them installed (they go with everything!).

Cheryl, I hope you and your family have been doing well and you get to see your boys as much as possible! And yes, I have been very good lately, lol! Love the "eh?" in your sentence, very Canadian! You'll fit right in when you come to visit with Elegant! ;)

Michelle, we do celebrate Halloween as well. My son dressed up as Mario from Mario Brothers and Lauren was a princess (again!). She didn't really want to be, but they went out with their dad to pick out costumes, and he told her she had to pick something from Wal-Mart and that's about all they had in her size. I felt so bad, so I got her excited by telling her I would apply make-up on her whole face, which I have never done before. I did her up with my MAC stuff, and was just a bit short of making her look like something out of Toddlers and Tiaras, so I didn't let her use lipstick and we used clear balm, lol! You may have mentioned it, but what did your girls dress up as?

Now to stay on topic, I finally tried La Distinguee (sp?) RA velvet this weekend. I really like it, very different than the glossy or shimmery lipsticks I generally use. The colour is a warm mlbb type of shade just a touch darker than my fairly pigmented lips, that strangely brightens up the face in a subtle kinda way. It's one of those colours that I can't really describe accurately. It looked really pretty with Pink Peony glossimer over it (which obviously defeats the purpose of using a matte l/s!).

I really hope everyone is doing well, I so miss all of you. Something happened recently, which made me really reflect on the people that I've come to know in my life. I honestly can say that the support and encouragement you all provide one another on here is really unique. Considering that we come on here to talk about make-up, but yet know so much about each other, and are geniunely happy for one another when good things happen is truly something special. It's really the only reason that I have been popping in here lately from time to time. (I don't want to relapse!).


Well-known member
Now that I've caught up, it seems many of you got your hands on La Distinguee, so my mini review is probably not very helpful!

I agree that a light pinky nude RA velvet would be perfect. I'm hopeful that the line will be expanded eventually, and that'll be one of the shades that are added.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Nora! Pleased to know you like Distinguee. From what you described, it looks like how it is on me too. I'm always tempted to put some gloss over it because my lips need more moisture, but that really defeats the matte purpose. Very happy to see you posting here again! Do drop by! It must be fun doing a full faced makeup on your daughter! And I love Mario!


Well-known member
So, I've been REALLY bad this week! I ended up ordering Famous, Enviree, Triomphal, and since they're discontinuing the RALs, I got Dragon x2 (on a red kick lately), Ming, and Empire. I already own Phoenix. I also got Rouge Carat, some Armani ETK, and some Bobbi Brown lippies (including Violet Glaze). There, I think that will help me get out of this new mommy rut! (PS- The newest pic of Elaina is my new avatar! Sorry, but proud mommy has to show her and her new skirt off!)


Well-known member
Shooter - very cute!! And nice haul, girl! You got some beauties!

Nora, Halloween sounds like it was a good time despite the princess redux ;). Did your daughter enjoy her princess face? You know it's all over now, right?
She'll always remember that, and will probably note it as the beginning of her makeup obsession
. I can't wait to visit Canada again - Elegant, are you ready to go? I can swing by and pick you up!

Famous really is very pretty. I have not yet jumped on the RAL backup bandwagon yet -


Well-known member
Nora -- glad to hear from you again! I hope the shutters get installed soon. It will be so nice when everything comes together. We have gotten a few new pieces for our family room and I am loving it. I just need to get pictures in frames and we'll be good to go!
That is cute about making up your little princess for Halloween. My youngest loves getting her makeup done for dance recitals -- she thinks it is the coolest! My younger girls were Super Girl and Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. Thank goodness I already had the costumes that my oldest had previously worn (we just pass 'em down the line LOL).
I'm glad that you have still be good with the makeup purchases -- I need a little more self restraint ;)

Shootergirl -- your daughter is adorable! I love those tutu skirts!


Well-known member
Yes, thanks for stopping by to chat Nora! Glad to hear all is well. I bet your daughter looked adorable all made up, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shypo
Nora, Halloween sounds like it was a good time despite the princess redux ;). Did your daughter enjoy her princess face? You know it's all over now, right?

Lol! I know... but it was fuuun!

Michelle, those costumes sound so cute! It's nice that you can pass certain things downt! I can't even get my girl to wear any of my son's old hoodies, even it it's a gender-neutral colour!
I was thinking of you when DH and I were in the Niagara Falls area, we went to the U.S. side and passed an Anthropologie store, which made me immediately think of you. Oh if I had money...!!!

Gail, hope everything's well on your end.

Shooter girl, your daughter is adorable! Enjoy every moment.

MissQQ, I bet make-up looks very similar on us colour wise. I know it defeats having a matte l/s and putting gloss over it, but that shade seems to be one of those that can be changed with different types of glosses, so very versatile! I like it alone as well though, very classy colour.


Well-known member
I decided to hop ON the bandwagon (I know, everyone is SHOCKED, yes?)
and order Dynastie and Imperial RAL before they are gone.


Well-known member
Nora -- did you just love Anthropologie?? I really usually wait until things hit sale (which they always do) at Anthro. I have quite a few dresses that I picked up for just $39 from there!
That is funny that your daughter doesn't like hand me downs. She's a girl who wants her own stuff ;)

Cheryl -- you are so funny. Glad you got the RAL's before they're gone! I only have Ming, but I want to get Empire, too.


Well-known member

I'm loving Rogue Allure Velvet in La Sensuelle :) The finish is beautiful and it's not drying on my poor dehydrated lips!


Well-known member
Shooter - very cute!! And nice haul, girl! You got some beauties!

Nora, Halloween sounds like it was a good time despite the princess redux ;). Did your daughter enjoy her princess face? You know it's all over now, right?
She'll always remember that, and will probably note it as the beginning of her makeup obsession
. I can't wait to visit Canada again - Elegant, are you ready to go? I can swing by and pick you up!

Famous really is very pretty. I have not yet jumped on the RAL backup bandwagon yet -
yep. I am SO ready
Nora, could you handle that

Ah, I am so glad you loving Famous now


Well-known member
I really hope everyone is doing well, I so miss all of you. Something happened recently, which made me really reflect on the people that I've come to know in my life. I honestly can say that the support and encouragement you all provide one another on here is really unique. Considering that we come on here to talk about make-up, but yet know so much about each other, and are geniunely happy for one another when good things happen is truly something special. It's really the only reason that I have been popping in here lately from time to time. (I don't want to relapse!).
Oh I LOVE that - Mario! Yep, I would choose the princess too ;) Oh my, toddlers & tiaras

I would absolutely love to come visit you. Heck we should all come visit you
I'm always glad to see you pop in. Thinking of you always!


Well-known member
Here are some great swatches for all of you wanting to scoop up the Laques before they are gone . . .

P.S. Does anyone know why most of the lip products on are labeled as Limited Edition right now? It has all shades of Rouge Allures, Glossimers, etc as LE. And Mythic RA isn't on the site (I hope they didn't discontinue it -- it is my fav nude l/s right now) . . .

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Thanks for sharing! Great swatches and review! It is very puzzling why they are LE. I will check out my Chanel Asia website tomorrow to see if it is like this too. Mythic is my fav nude lipstick too!


Well-known member
^^ I looked at some the big online retailers in the US (Macy's, Nordstrom, Neiman's, and Saks Fifth Ave) and none of them have Mythic in stock anymore
I hadn't heard that Chanel was discontinuing that shade -- so who knows! Why are they discontinuing all of the faves?? So strange!


Well-known member
It's really bizarre and you get no warning - I saw Mythic on Izzy's, but I'm not sure if it is in stock. Sometimes you don't find out until you try to put something in your cart.

It's very annoying. At the rate they do this, I can see why they consider them all LE!

Michelle, you might want to call some of the stores - especially Nordstrom - quite often the stores will have stock that doesn't show online. If it's a decent SA, they'll call around to find it for you (you probably already know this). I've managed to snag a couple of things this way.

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