Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I have a few RAs that I wanted but I never pick them up. I can't remember what they are now. I have so many chanel lipsticks now I want to finish them up and get the new colours, and I'm looking forward to them - I want a pinky nude! I prefer the colours of RC to RA, so I'm happy that Chanel is updating the RAs. My favourite RA out of what I have is probably Discrete, a slightly peachy nude, and my favourite true nude is Mythic. The RALs are not at my counters anymore.


Well-known member
If HG has such a reaction with Coromandel... then I must check it out... *gulp*

Can anyone tell me if the reds in RA would fade out beautifully? I wore red lips to an elaborate lunch yesterday and after all the foods the lipstick looked like I only lined my lips with a liner
. Maybe this is inevitable? I'm such a noob with darker colored lips :p.


Well-known member
Where could someone find a backup of Insolente? I can't find it on any website and was hoping to avoid EBay.
I found it at Izzy's for $34 which isn't bad considering the regular retail is $32.50 (plus you save sales tax - I did anyway). I ordered 3


Well-known member
Have there been any swatches posted for the new RAs that are going to be released?

I would love to see a real swatch (not Chanel promo swatch) of the pink beige and pink coral.


Well-known member
Ooohhh..I like the 2 on the ends of the front row and the one at the end of the second row on the left, behind the nude.


Well-known member
Well, thanks to elegant-one, I bought my first Chanel lipstick. So I felt the need to mosey on over into this thread. I got Rouge Allure #67 Excessive because of a photo of Adele posted in the MAC Marilyn Monroe thread. elegant-one shared that's the shade she's wearing in the photo and I HAD TO HAVE IT.



Well-known member
Well, thanks to elegant-one, I bought my first Chanel lipstick. So I felt the need to mosey on over into this thread. I got Rouge Allure #67 Excessive because of a photo of Adele posted in the MAC Marilyn Monroe thread. elegant-one shared that's the shade she's wearing in the photo and I HAD TO HAVE IT.


Well, someone posted that the Chanel info said that it was indeed Excessive & I reposted that. In this photo^ it does look like Excessive. It looked a bit darker red in that other pic.

I hope you LOVE it my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please let us know. Welcome to the beautiful world of Chanel.


Well-known member
Based on the Chanel promo pic I'm really hoping the lippy in the front right is looks like La Raffinee. I wasn't 100% sold on the RAV formula but LOVED that color.


Specktra Bestie
I might end up with about half of these. So excited!
I was going to say that I was really only interested in "a couple". Then I looked at what "a couple" actually meant:


Yeah. That's just a couple. Per column.


Well-known member
Elegant-one made me get my first chanel lipstick too. I was thinking about Excessive, but when I swatched it next to Famous, Famous looked more unique. So I got that one. I still would love to get my hands on Dragon, but the only place I can find it is ebay and that's way to expensive :(
Here's a picture of Famous. It's a bit brighter and redder IRL. It feels so nice on the lips!


Well-known member
Nordstrom canceled my order for Excessive. They're "unable to fulfill" because it's no longer in stock apparently. Even though it's still being listed as available on the website.

I did some more searching and ordered it from another store. In my panic, I also added Flamboyante and Insolente to my cart. I'm on pins and needles waiting for my shipping notice. It's funny, but I did receive a shipping notice from Nordstrom for the free sample items.

Are there any other of these discontinued Rouge Allure shades that are considered must haves before they're gone? Famous is on my list, and Pinkdollface's picture has confirmed that's a good choice. It looks really pretty.

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