Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Hi MissQQ! On me, the old formula had more gloss and sheen to it (kind of like the MAC Lustre formula). The new formula does seem creamier. It is more pigmented and leaves a stain on my lips, so it is more long wearing on me. Sometimes I'll add a dab of gloss if I want a little more shine -- seems to do the trick.


FYI to any ladies in Toronto: I just called the counter at the Bay on the south side of the Eaton Centre and they say they're going to be launching the new Rouge Allures on September 24.


Well-known member
FYI to any ladies in Toronto: I just called the counter at the Bay on the south side of the Eaton Centre and they say they're going to be launching the new Rouge Allures on September 24.
Thanks Elana, that really helps! I purchased one in the US on my trip there but was not sure about other colours, so it's great these are coming soon!


Specktra Bestie
I can't really tell the difference, to be honest. Both are excellent for me. They should bring the old shades back, though for people who missed out.
I agree about preserving the older shades. I think that the new ones are vibrant and lively looking, but they've lost out on some of the more subtle, everyday ones, I think. I adore Coquette, for instance. And Flamboyante is beautiful.


Well-known member
I went to the Chanel event Saturday and got my makeup done. It was nice. I picked up Déterminée and Palpitante. It was so crowded that I forgot to swatch La Sensuelle. I also got Black Pearl, Blue Satin and Rouge Carat nail polishes. The gift with purchase was only a little bag of samples.

Déterminée is very pretty. However, it's basically the same color as Caractère without the shimmer. Palpitante is more red on my lips than I expected, which is a good thing for me. Somehow I was expecting it to be more magenta in color with only hints of red. Probably because that's how it looked on my hand. I'm glad it's actually more red with a hint of magenta.


Specktra Bestie
OK, so having met and carefully swatched these beauties, I've determined the ones I absolutely need are Pirate, Inimitable and Rouge Noir. That last one was kind of a surprise... I thought it would be too brown, but there's a lot of purple in it. I've dropped some hints that these might make fine birthday presents, but I'm not sure if they're getting through.


Well-known member
OK, so having met and carefully swatched these beauties, I've determined the ones I absolutely need are Pirate, Inimitable and Rouge Noir. That last one was kind of a surprise... I thought it would be too brown, but there's a lot of purple in it. I've dropped some hints that these might make fine birthday presents, but I'm not sure if they're getting through.
Lol, I'm not good at leaving hints and have to be more direct. I would have to be more like I want this, this and this for my birthday. It makes it easier for everyone involved.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
OK, so having met and carefully swatched these beauties, I've determined the ones I absolutely need are Pirate, Inimitable and Rouge Noir. That last one was kind of a surprise... I thought it would be too brown, but there's a lot of purple in it. I've dropped some hints that these might make fine birthday presents, but I'm not sure if they're getting through.
You pick the strongest and best colours!I have pigmented lips so I wonder if RN will turn brown on me. I got swatched all three you want and Pirate is already in my list, while the other two are in my maybe list. My counter has Inimitable after all, the tester just arrived later than the rest. Inimitable swatches pink red, but with some warmth, maybe there are gold shimmers, on my hand. Not sure if my eyes are playing tricks. Anyway, I got a test card consisting of four colours, Gracile, Pirate, and I can't remember the other two. Can't wait to try them!

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
Still on the hunt for a purple/plum lippie that doesn't make me look scary lol. I'm going to a different mall today and check out the RAs again to look at Determinee & Rouge Noir. Hopefully one of them will be what I'm looking for...

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
Rouge Noir looked really hot on me and I actually like the new formula for it, I guess because the color is dark. I didn't get it though because I won't be wearing it right now, so I'm going to go back and get it probably in November. I'm still wearing my bright lippies right now.


Well-known member
Rouge Noir looked really hot on me and I actually like the new formula for it, I guess because the color is dark. I didn't get it though because I won't be wearing it right now, so I'm going to go back and get it probably in November. I'm still wearing my bright lippies right now.
Rouge Noir is on my list, but I feel like I need to get Passion and Incandescente first.

OT: Is anyone willing to CP Nouvelle Vague polish for me? It looks like it's still available on the Italian website. I made a request in the Chanel polish thread, but I'm also asking here because I think this thread is more active. Please PM me.


Well-known member
^ let me lnow what you think of Incandescente when you get it! It's the only thing I want from the new line after much deliberation. :) am waiting for the holiday collection.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
I tried Pirate and Rouge Noir on my lips and love Pirate! RN was too much for me, I sheered it out but I think I will go with Destinee instead. So Pirate came home with me!


Well-known member
I'm thinking of Rouge Noir, but I have to go to my counter first and swatch it. Don't know how dark it will turn out on me. All the swatches I've seen of it look more brown than a deep, dark red


Well-known member
I just had to come back and comment about Palpitante. I'm wearing it today and it's so beautiful.

I thought it would be similar to other lipsticks I have in various brands, but no. I just swatched a bunch of them to compare and they're all either too pink or too red. Palpitante is right in the middle. I don't have anything else like it. I think it may now be tied with Extatique as my 2nd favorite of the new RAs. The shimmer in Inimitable still swoons me over as my favorite new RA. But Palpitante and Extatique are only a hair's breadth away. But don't misunderstand, I love all of the shades I have so far.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Rouge Noir is deep, eggplant brown on me. The shimmers in Inimitable reminds me of Rouge Byzantin and Famous.


Well-known member
I am really crossing my fingers that we get Evanescnete here. I keep staring at this pic that was shared here a while ago:

I think that is my pretty pink nude!!

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