Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Does that mean we will get the Shines earlier than mentioned?????

Michelle - I LOVE LOVE Steven Madden Shoes!!! (another bad addiction)
Did you watch ANTM wed.? I swear all they do is cry

But the line has a TON of shades, 56 to be exact <------------- only 56 hmmm -----

I missed it -- I was at a meeting Wednesday night. Was it good? Oh man, sometimes that show is hilarious!!
Between the new Dior lippies and the RCS -- I am toast. We all are! lol

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ lol. Yes it is much lighter. Could it be the cremeblend blush or they mixed the l/s with more lip conditioner? Just a blind guess though, after reading the comments.


Well-known member
Just read on MUA that Canada has the Rouge Coco Shimes. Where is stv?
LOL! I haven't gone to check yet, but I was told last week that we would have them today.

Sorry, been away for a few days as I tried to survive what could quite possibly be the worst week of my adult life. Mostly because of some major crap at work, but also had some issues with my car (it's a 2009, but the issue has been there from the beginning and still not fixed), my kids have been particularly difficult this week (could also be that they sense my tension and they're feeding off of it), my son damaged our brand new solid wood dining table (but that in itself would not be grounds for a bad week), I'm hormonal and on top of all that, DH hasn't been particularly supportive.

So ya, I think I need a lipstick and a latte tomorrow. Or lipstick and some wine?! I'll report back if I see them tomorrow.


Well-known member
^ Sorry your week's been so bad stv! I hope things start to look up for you. May the weekend help clear up some of the troubles!

The RC Shines are indeed in - I saw them at Fairview today. You'll have some good fun if you get a chance to check them out tomorrow!

On a side note... I'm new to this thread and have been lurking because I'm thinking of treating myself to one Chanel lipstick. As always with Specktra tho, I read a thread and watch my wishlist grow... =P Hopefully I can narrow it down!


Specktra Bestie
Just read on MUA that Canada has the Rouge Coco Shimes. Where is stv?

They're not everywhere, but they are here. I saw in them in the Bay in downtown Montreal. They are really lovely- sheer but juicy looking. I'm absolutely going back for Antigone (I'd already spent my makeup budget for the day because I had my face done at NARS. (Of course, I later found "room" in my budget to pick up Cambon at Murale, because they let me use my Shoppers Drug Mart points for purchases.) I have to be in the neighbourhood again on Wednesday, so I'll try to snap some photos if I can.


Well-known member
Aww, Nora -- so sorry about your horrible week!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend to make up for it! Keep us posted on the lippies :)


Well-known member
[quote name="stv578" url="/forum/thread/170341/chanel-lipsticks-rouge-coco-rouge-allure-etc/600#post_2091566"] 

LOL!  I haven't gone to check yet, but I was told last week that we would have them today. 
Sorry, been away for a few days as I tried to survive what could quite possibly be the worst week of my adult life.  Mostly because of some major crap at work, but also had some issues with my car (it's a 2009, but the issue has been there from the beginning and still not fixed), my kids have been particularly difficult this week (could also be that they sense my tension and they're feeding off of it), my son damaged our brand new solid wood dining table (but that in itself would not be grounds for a bad week), I'm hormonal and on top of all that, DH hasn't been particularly supportive.
So ya, I think I need a lipstick and a latte tomorrow.  Or lipstick and some wine?!  I'll report back if I see them tomorrow.
[/quote] That sounds more like two lipsticks and a cocktail. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. :frenz: I am off to deep clean my appartment to relax and then see if we got the Rouge Coco shines yet. I feel like getting Boy. What's on your lipstick list?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Hi! How are you? Boy and Romance is on my list. :)

Nora - hope you feel better and enjoy your retail therapy. Let us know what you think of the l/s if they're here.


Well-known member
[quote name="Miss QQ" url="/forum/thread/170341/chanel-lipsticks-rouge-coco-rouge-allure-etc/600#post_2091677"] ^^ Hi! How are you? Boy and Romance is on my list. :)

Nora - hope you feel better and enjoy your retail therapy. Let us know what you think of the l/s if they're here.
[/quote] Thanks, I am much better as the weekend is finally here and the sun is shining L( How are you doing? I need to look up a swatch of Romance, in which colour family is it? Have a great weekend girls :)


Well-known member
Nora, I hope things start looking up for you soon! Yes, retail therapy will help get you over the hump, I'm sure....and wine or a cocktail will certainly take the edge off!

Welcome, BlahWah!!
We're quite the enablers over here - but we're also each others 'makeup addicts support group'!
Have you decided which lipstick you're going to get?

Katred, I'm so jealous - I want Antigone!!!

Bis, that sounds like a great way to spend a weekend - work a little, shop a little.....Romance is in the pink/rose family if I remember correctly.

Michelle, how's that depotting going?

Meggy's having tech difficulties with her new computer - I hope she gets them resolved soon so we can get her back here......

Elegant, did you ever figure out that purple lippie?
I ordered the Mally TSV today - it looks like a great value!!!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Yup Romance is in the pink/rose family. Enjoy the weekend, bis!

Here's the RC Shine colour chart to refresh our memory.

Hope Megan sorts out the tech issues! Miss her!

Michelle - can't wait to see the pics of your party outfit!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


Well-known member
I'm looking forward to checking out the RC Shines in person. They look so perfect for summer.

In other lipstick news, I finally got Jersey Rose. What took me so long? It's the perfect springy baby pink lip for me.

Welcome BlahWah! Glad to see you posting here.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Well-known member
Aww, thanks all for the support. It means a lot to me. I am still trying to figure out how to sort things out at work, but it'll pass, just at what cost is the question.

Sooo, I did get to the Bay today to see the Coco shines. I swatched all of the pinks, but couldn't really play too much since DH and the kids were with me. I was good, only got one for now to see how I like it. But basically, I found Boy to be the least pigmented of the bunch, don't think it would really even show up on me. The other pinks did have a bit more pop to them, so I hope that is good news for all of you!

I ended up with Aventure, a beautiful light yellow-pink colour with a hint of shimmer. I think you will all love Romance, it was a bit brighter and a straight up clean pink. Chance I think was brighter than Romance and perhaps a touch lighter. To me, it seemed pretty darn close to Romance, but no shimmer at all. Now I do need to apologize, because my memory sucks these days, even though i was only there a couple of hours ago. But my overall impression was that there were three shades of pink that were all quite similar (Aventure, Romance and Chance), and they are fairly sheer, so I'm not sure if the slight variances in them would be enough to justify the price. I was least impressed with Boy, just because it looked like it would disappear on anyone that has somewhat pigmented lips, but I think some of you already have it, so if you find that isn't the case, let me know! I was hoping it would be a bit more pigmented, because it is a very pretty colour.

Evasion was a gorgeous peachier pink, that is next on my list, the description of that one as being a sheer rose doesn't make sense to me. You can see on Karla's site that is the peachiest of the pinks. I didn't swatch Liberte, but will go back sometime this week to have another look at them! These don't really have much shimmer to them at all, Boy probably has the most.

I will try Aventure on Monday and report back. I'm off to have a nap now, my head feels like it's about the explode (the joys of womanhood!). Oh, and I did get a latte (London Fog latte from Starbuck's, yum!). And later plan on having a glass of wine at my in-laws!


Well-known member
Interesting! Maybe my lips aren't as pigmented as I think or maybe my paleness is responsible, but Boy definitely shows up on me. Thanks for your great review. I can't wait to see them all too! Hope things at work turn around for you soon.


Well-known member
Does the shimmer in Boy show up? I just don't know, i've bought colours like it in the past, and between the sheerness of it and also because it's so close to my lipcolour, I can see it totally disappearing on me.


Well-known member
Nora, you got the retail therapy out of the way, and the adult beverages to come will definitely sort itself out - just try to ease your mind about it. This too shall always does. Remember the blessings in your life, and the fact that somewhere, someone has deeper issues and problems to solve - not to minimize what you are going through, but just to help keep it in perspective. Naps are good things - I try to take one or two every weekend!
Hope your head feels better too.....hormones are wicked things! Hang in there!

Thanks for your great review! I can't wait to see these! Aventure and Romance are definitely on my list, along with Monte Carlo. Boy shows up on me, with a hint of shimmer, but my lips are not as pigmented as I imagine most of yours's so hard to tell without actually wearing it.

I came back from Nordie's with only a fragrance atomizer ($5) filled with Jo Malone Vetiver cologne. Oh, it smells so good! I can wear her fragrances - some of them are a bit too much for me, but there are a few that I can manage. I also did a couple of items for their 3X points event - Pink Cult blush (which they still had about a half-dozen of), Overdyed, Stovepipe (Elegant, this is a really pretty color - I think Katred is the one who said it is really unique), and Riveting Rose l/s.....along with 2 of Lancome's new eye palettes - the taupe one and the amethyst one. These are gorgeous! A bit of fallout because the shadows are soft, but they are amazing. I liked a couple of the others, but figure they're similar enough to palettes I already have from Dior, so I opted for these because they're unique. I think the event starts in a couple of weeks, so I'll have to wait, but what the heck.

Oh, and I scored the cutest black B. Makowsky clutch-type bag with a little D-shaped handle for $20!!! at TJ Maxx - they said their markdowns are based on how long the merchandise has been there - and once it reaches a certain 'age', they just keep marking it down. I can't believe it was sitting there (it was in a cart with a bunch of bags that must have just been marked down again). I think it was waiting for me

So much for my shopping day. A good time was had by all.


Well-known member
Hugs Nora! Boy is kinda my lip color - maybe just a tad darker pinker.
I really want Romance - I love the color & the name.

C - What an awesome find on the BM!!! I have one - its a black crossbody bag. My daughter in law is hooked on BM handbags & I think she scored a deal on one there too.

And, I did not know about the Mally TSV! there is bunches of items to it.....uh oh. Yeah, I def. have to get Stovepipe.

I went to this realllllly weird mall today....never ever been to this mall or the area....but hubs had to meet someone so he dropped me there to shop a bit while he met someone across the way. Well he calls me while I'm in Macys to tell me the guy isn't there yet, so I call him back in a bit, he doesn't answer his phone, I call 2 more times, I panic & go to the malls entrance to see if I can see where he is parked, I can' I call him 1 more time...he tells me he is with the guy. SO, I just wander off just a shoppin away...over a half hour passes & I don't get a call back from him so I think to look at my phone (cause it never rang) & sure enough there are 3 missed calls
I try to check the missed calls & I can't - the phone service went down, I can't call hubs either. I run through the mall back to macy's thinking he has to be there waiting on me, I don't see him, on the 3rd try my phone finally works..he is like WTH are you girl....umm, my phone never rang
He had been waiting for me over a half hour while I just dilly dallied through the mall

Have you ever heard of 'idiot mittens' - yeah, I think he is gonna attach one of those strings to me. (idiot mittens are gloves with a string & clip so you don't lose them)


Well-known member
^^^ LOL! Well, at least all was well and you finally poor hubby sometimes takes me to the mall, and he stays in the car with his iPad. I always take longer than I say I'm going to.....he takes it in stride, but sometimes I feel bad. Oh well. Malls are awful for phone reception - I guess it's all that steel. I hope he wasn't too're worth the extra few minutes of shopping though.


Well-known member
^^^ LOL! Well, at least all was well and you finally poor hubby sometimes takes me to the mall, and he stays in the car with his iPad. I always take longer than I say I'm going to.....he takes it in stride, but sometimes I feel bad. Oh well. Malls are awful for phone reception - I guess it's all that steel. I hope he wasn't too're worth the extra few minutes of shopping though.
He was really more worried than miffed. He did laugh with his brother about it later today. I wish he would take the ipad to occupy himself! Thats so sweet of you.

Seriously though, I can shop for like an hour & swear it was only 5 minutes

Do we know exactly when we are getting the Shine ls? or is that still up in the air

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