Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
So, I just got an email from Chanel (always thinking its the release of something new - come on Shines) but it was a survey


Well-known member
^^ I just took the survey -- kinda hoping there would be a little something at the end (like an awesome sample or something) -- but no dice. LOL
Bring on the summer collection!!

fleur de lis

Well-known member
Hi guys,

Does anyone know which Rouge Coco or Rouge Allure lipstick would be closest to the Rouge Allure Laque in Ming?


Well-known member
Hmmm, I don't think I could say unless I was at a counter. I have Ming, but I don't think I have a similar ls. Hopefully someone may know for you.


Well-known member
like ming.. hmm.. Secret? -- hard to say, ming is transparent and therefore takes the colour of the lip pigment...


Well-known member
Chanel addicts must all be the same! The first thing I thought when I saw the Chanel email in my inbox was "RC Shines?!" but it wasn't!
And then I took the survey hoping there would be some sort of goodie bonus for having taken it, but nope.


Well-known member
Hi guys,

Does anyone know which Rouge Coco or Rouge Allure lipstick would be closest to the Rouge Allure Laque in Ming?
I don't have another Chanel lipstick that looks quite like Ming. On me, Ming is a pink-y nude. I am cool toned, so it def tends to pull pink-ish. I have seen it in pictures where it looked more neutral. You might have to play around a bit at the cosmetic counter -- maybe you could mix 2 colors to get the same effect??


Well-known member
Ran across these descriptions and swatches of the Coco Shines:

I'll go for anything pinky-peach or peachy-pink!


Well-known member
Ladies for the yummy pictures and new recommendations!

Shypo, Specktra definitely keeps me entertained, if I feel a bit down or uninspired :)
Almus, it was raining here this morning too, but in the afternoon the sun came out again! I'm surre it'll be sunny again soon in Spain (or it better be, when I go to Barcelona with my bf in April -- i wanna relax at that outdoor roof top pool of our hotel!)

HerGreyness! Welcome back! :) Hope your Europtrip has been successfull! Mopper upper! Sounds like some cool product that also does dishes for you and wipes the floors! :D

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Saw the Dior Addicts. Swatched some of them - it pink, urban, baby rose, icone, model and collection, but didn't try them on my lips. I asked the SA if they had all the 42 shades printed in the brochure and she confidently answered yes. I wasn't in any way intentionally testing her as I wanted to find the shades that I have shortlisted from the brochure. When she said yes, I asked for 745, New Look, which looks like a bright red on paper, and she couldn't find it. Another SA joined her in the search and couldn't find it. lol. Ladies who have the new dior addict l/s, are they sticky? I had an old dior addict l/s which I didn't like because of the texture - feels heavy on my lips. Overall, the colour range is great and I like the promo campaign.

I feel I like the shiseido shimmering rouge more.

Thanks for the vote of confidence on pulling off Iron Maiden, bis! I may get it, but there are a few other colours in the line that are calling my name too, and I planned to buy only 1 or 2. So it will be a tough choice.
Hi guys,

Does anyone know which Rouge Coco or Rouge Allure lipstick would be closest to the Rouge Allure Laque in Ming?

You can try Confidentielle RA because it is the lipstick match of Confidence ExDG, which is very close to Ming.

fleur de lis

Well-known member
Thanks for the advice guys. I'll have to go and have another play around and see what I can find :) Ming is also pinky nude on me so am looking for something similar.


Well-known member
Did you use that birthday coupon code? because 5 lipsticks that they give away are not mini, they are full sized. I got mine today and love the colors! I will swatch them after weekend

I think I still want all of the pink Coco Shines! I love it when I can slap on a lipstick in the car and not have to worry about liner, etc -- especially during summer (is spring or summer ever coming??)

And Elegant -- I am so excited to see all the Dior lipsticks. Your Clinique Chubbies are so cute!

I got the Lancome Love It! and Fleur de Lis lipsticks today (and I got 5 mini l/s with my order -- my girls are gonna be in heaven). I have never bought any of their prodcuts (just testing out one of their foundations right now) -- but I'll tell ya -- I am having major ADD right now with the makeup. I can't wait for the Coco Shines, the Chanel summer collection -- and I am scooping up all kinds of other stuff. I also have Bobbi Brown Blondie Pink, Blush, Lilac, and Bare Pink lippies that I want to go swatch, too. Good thing I need more lipsticks . . .


Well-known member
No the new Dior ls are not sticky at all. In fact they have a very silky smooth wonderful feeling on!

Saw the Dior Addicts. Swatched some of them - it pink, urban, baby rose, icone, model and collection, but didn't try them on my lips. I asked the SA if they had all the 42 shades printed in the brochure and she confidently answered yes. I wasn't in any way intentionally testing her as I wanted to find the shades that I have shortlisted from the brochure. When she said yes, I asked for 745, New Look, which looks like a bright red on paper, and she couldn't find it. Another SA joined her in the search and couldn't find it. lol. Ladies who have the new dior addict l/s, are they sticky? I had an old dior addict l/s which I didn't like because of the texture - feels heavy on my lips. Overall, the colour range is great and I like the promo campaign.


Well-known member
Oh wow -- they are full sized?? Yep, I used that birthday coupon code. Well, looks like I'll be getting 7 full sized lipsticks next week -- woo hoo! Although my girls would have loved minis (they can deal with it) :)


Well-known member
I agree with Elegant - the Diors are not at all sticky. I ordered 2 more last night from Sephora (I posted on a different thread that Sephora now has a plethora
of the new Dior colors - not just their exclusives). I got Paris & Singuliere (Sephora exclusive). I want to see the others in person. These are divine.

I also ordered a couple of the new 'Bite' lip balms from Sephora - a new line of cosmetics they're carrying. I'm very into tinted balms lately, but not ones I have to put my fingers in.


Well-known member
Bonitinha here is the pic of lippies that i got with birthday coupon. they are full sized but not in fancy packaging, more like testers. first one is mac sheen supreme, and then 5 Lancome's


Well-known member
^ I LOVE those first 3 Lancome ls - I need those

I did try the Nars - the light one on the left) it was nice. I poured way too much out though when I was testing it.

What is the blush color on the far right??


Well-known member
Monsy -- Thanks for the pic -- they're all so pretty all lined up! I'm excited to get them next week. How do you like the Teint Miracle foundation? I've been trying out the Freshwear, but not completely sold on it (the sales lady gave me samples that will last me months).

You ladies are making want those new Dior lippies
I am going to hit up the mall on Saturday. I'll have to check out the Dior counter and Sephora!

P.S. Elegant -- if you go to the Lancome website -- if you use the code MARCHBDAY, you will get the 5 lippies with any $35 order through 3/31.

And also -- for everyone wanting those cute Clinique Chubbies that Elegant told us about -- Dillards is doing a great GWP with a $21.50 purchase. Why am I so into these GWP's lately?? lol


Well-known member
Elegant yes you need just a little bit of illuminator. I am wearing Super orgasm today and i also poured too much, i am still trying to learn how to use it and not waste the product.
Blush is JC narcisse.

Today is my first day of wearing Teint miracle, it looks and feels nice for now. But in the same category i liked Nars sheer glow much better.

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