Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
^^ Hmmm, the only peachy Rouge Allure that I have is Instinctive -- it has some pink in it, but is definitely peachy.

Could it be Exquise??

Or Ardent?

I hope you find it!!


Well-known member
^^ Hmmm, the only peachy Rouge Allure that I have is Instinctive -- it has some pink in it, but is definitely peachy.

Could it be Exquise??

Or Ardent?

I hope you find it!!
Oh gosh! I think it is Exquise! That looks a lot like it did on my lips. Soft slightly peach pink, very light, but not bubble gum like nor chalky. Aaaah! I am so excited! Must get it! Thank you! I am like 99% sure that is it, because I know that was one we looked at! I probably comes out corally/peachish on me because I have very pigmented lips. They are sort of mauve, so Boy look neutral on me and Confidentielle (?) and Comedia are awfully close to my lip colour. Which is why I can get away with purples and berry colours without looking terribly goth!

Happy dance now commences....


Well-known member
^^ Oh no -- it's gone?? It has been on my wish list forever!! I wonder if some Nordstroms might still have it in store? Macy's online doesn't have it anymore, either ( also checked Sax Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus -- no dice). They have it on Izzy's beauty shoppe for $34 -- but I haven't ordered anything from them before. So sad . . .

Edit: I just googled and saw a post on Makeupalley that said that they no longer carry it on, but that a lot of the counters should still carry them (fingers crossed).


Well-known member
It looked like I'll finally get the elusive RCS Antigone!!!
Finally made the order today and the store has a 10% discount too :p.

I tried out RC Teheran the other day, but I don't it's a color that works for me... it's one of those in between colors that kinda look florescent on my skin.

Michelle and ElvenEyes - Good luck on getting Exquise! (I took the liberty of checking it over here, but we didn't have it either)

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Congrats on getting Antigone! Getting it on discount is a wonderful bonus! I finally got it too, not long ago.

Michelle & Debi - Exquise is the first RA I wanted to buy, but I didn't and picked up Ardent instead. I have a few RAs on my wishlist which I never pick up because there are always new lipsticks I must buy first. I hope you can get it.

Michelle - I can swatch Ardent for you, as that is the only RA I have from your list.
It's not my fav, it is a coppery warm rose on me. I'll do it this weekend. :)


Well-known member
Yes, I did! I originally wanted to try it on first, but I never found one in a Chanel counter. I figured the 10% discount isn't bad either :D


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Most of the time there are 5 Euro discount codes for Douglas online, maybe I/we should start posting those in the release dates for Germany thread.
And I don't know if you german girls know already, but we can order Chanel from Parfümerie Pieper now as well. But it doesn't work for me, no matter what address I use, doesn't work, and customer service is
. So Douglas is still the only option for me.


Well-known member
Most of the time there are 5 Euro discount codes for Douglas online, maybe I/we should start posting those in the release dates for Germany thread. And I don't know if you german girls know already, but we can order Chanel from Parfümerie Pieper now as well. But it doesn't work for me, no matter what address I use, doesn't work, and customer service is
. So Douglas is still the only option for me.
That's a good idea! Let's do this! Maybe we can pop over and you tell more about your problems with Pieper? I've never ordered there but am thinking about it. Did you ever order from perfumdreams?


Specktra Bestie
^ I wore Rivoli yesterday - its so sexy beautiful on!!!!

I second the love for both Mandarin and Rivoli. Rivoli is seriously one of my favourite shades among my many, many medium-deep reds. I don't really consider it vampy at all. It seems more like what I consider a "classic" red, a term I made up to describe shades that aren't full-on, in-your-face reds or dark vampy shades. It says something about the number of red lipsticks I possess that I need to come up with new ways of classifying them.


Well-known member
Thanks Astrid -- there is always something I seem to be trying to track down!

MissQQ -- thanks for swatching Ardent. I couldn't tell if it is too warm for me or not (sounds like it may be). I agree, there will always be permanent things on my wishlist because I have to get the new things that come out with each collection!


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Bonitinha

If anyone can swatch any of the following Rouge Allures: Admirable, Adorable, Desirable, Incognito, Ardent, Exquise or Romance (or is it Romantic?) -- I would forever be grateful

Here it goes: Incognito (up = heavy swatch, bottom = just a couple of wipes).

It has a bit of brown on it, so it is definetively warm-tone, at least on my skin tone (although it is not as much on my lips).


Well-known member

Adorable - left, Exquise - middle, Desirable - right ^above swatches

Top pics - Adorable - left, Exquise - right, Desirable - little guy sample tube ;)

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