Chanel lipsticks - Rouge Coco, Rouge Allure, etc.


Well-known member
Yay! I'll look forward to hearing what you think of them.


Well-known member
if you girls in the US won't get these till late October God knows when we get them here in Canada :/ I really want that matte red shade...seems like I can never have too many reds, lol!

I agree on the red ls
I can't get enough lately. I just bought the new MAC me over one - Runaway Red. But yes. I reallllllly want that Red Velvet ls - oooh, thats what they should have called it - Red Velvet ....yummm


Well-known member
I agree on the red ls
I can't get enough lately. I just bought the new MAC me over one - Runaway Red. But yes. I reallllllly want that Red Velvet ls - oooh, thats what they should have called it - Red Velvet ....yummm
Me, too -- and I am usually intimidated by reds!
I want this dress:

and I want to wear that matte red lippie with it!! It would be perfect for the holidays (wait, I'm the one who's always saying I'm not ready for summer to end . . . )

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Beautiful dress! It's understated but sexy, not too much. Yes it looks good with red lips! lol holidays just have a festive mood about it so we always look forward to it.

Have you seen Selena Gomez in red lips? I've seen a few pics of her in red lips and she wears it with a casual outfit or dresses. I think she looks good and can carry off red lips at a young age. Over here, we don't wear red lips a lot and it is thought of as too dramatic, and only for stage or formal functions like dinners. I get comments that my lips are too red when I wear red lipsticks when I go for family or friends gathering. I don't wear red lips a lot because they are high maintenance, but I don't see why red lips are only for formal occasions.

I just remember that we are getting a new foundation, Perfection Lumiere too. So when is it launching, among the velvets and holiday?

elegant - Yes they should call it Red Velvet! Then that would be the first velvet lipstick I'm buying. I think the cleansing water is perm at my counters. It's strange that they are making this skincare LE. Can we use toner on our neck area? Is it too drying for the delicate skin there? Because my face is more tanned this summer, and my neck is so pale, the difference is very obvious so I'm applying a bit of powder on my neck now. I'm thinking if the cleansing water can be used to clean it off?


Well-known member
I love the texture of RA velvet mattes! But sadly I didn't truly love any of the colors. Don't get me wrong, they are all very pretty. It's just that I couldn't find anything I like on my skin. Didn't do any lip swatches though, so I might still change my mind later on. I need to justify the 30 Euros purchase, right?


Well-known member
MissQQ -- I actually used to wear red lips every now and then when I was younger. Maybe I have just gotten intimidated as I have gotten older. I think I need a red lippie for dinners out or holiday parties. I'm really excited to try the red velvet one!! I will have to check out pics of Selena Gomez -- I think she is cute -- so fresh looking :)

Astrid -- bummer that you didn't find one that worked for you. But money saved for you!


Well-known member
Yes Anneri, I whined at the CS guy when he told me that and said I knew they were out in Europe already. He laughed at me. So this time we get to hear all the reviews from you guys.
I'll definitely write something about them when I tried them! It's just too hot right now, but next week will be cooler, I think!

I'd rather have a matte red that Runway Red from the recent collection. As I get older, I start to see some slight bleeding of the colour, and it gets more obvious the darker the colour. I think the matte formula can help with that.
It's really a pity - I love red, but when I was younger I never dared to wear it, and now I'd be comfortable with it it's getting difficult to wear it! Not fair!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I have some bleeding with the darker colours too, but I prefer them without any liners. MUFE has a new lip line perfector and I'm interested. It isn't coloured so it will not alter the colour of the lipstick. Has anyone tried it?

Here is one of the pics of Selena Gomez in red lips, with a summery dress. Very pretty.,,20521484,00.html

I don't know how to get the link, but if you click on her look on August 20, she is wearing red lips with a t-shirt and skirt.


Well-known member
MissQQ -- I will have to check out that lipliner -- I wonder if it really works??
Selena Gomez is so adorable -- and she wears that red so effortlessly (lucky girl!!)

fleur de lis

Well-known member
Urban Decay do a similar clear lipliner so you might want to check out the reviews for that -

Other brands do them too. Pretty sure Too Faced has one, ELF and The Body Shop.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Miss QQ
I don't wear red lips a lot because they are high maintenance, but I don't see why red lips are only for formal occasions.

elegant - Yes they should call it Red Velvet! Then that would be the first velvet lipstick I'm buying. I think the cleansing water is perm at my counters. It's strange that they are making this skincare LE. Can we use toner on our neck area? Is it too drying for the delicate skin there? Because my face is more tanned this summer, and my neck is so pale, the difference is very obvious so I'm applying a bit of powder on my neck now. I'm thinking if the cleansing water can be used to clean it off?

Yes, the cleansing water would be perfect for that^. If I've been outside weeding, when I come in I use it all over my face. neck & chest. No, its not drying it all - it leaves the skin feeling just right & fresh feeling. Its lovely.

I'll wear reds with a white t-shirt jeans or shorts & most times no other makeup - even during the day

They really should have named the red Red Velvet


Well-known member

Edgy new Chanel ad in the Fall InStyle magazine.

At first I thought she was sitting on the toilet & then I realized she is in a photo booth

So I showed it to hubs & asked him if I could get 2 Chanel Camellia flowers the next time we go to the Chanel Boutique
of course he said "sure!"

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks, fleur de lis, I will read up on them. Elegant - I need to get the cleansing water! Great that it is not drying because my skin is dry and I skip toner because they are be too drying. You rock red lips! :) Michelle - yeah she makes wearing red lips look so easy!


Well-known member
Ahhh, I so miss everyone

I guess we'll be chatting about the Velvets soon. I've also been stalking hoping for something new :)

Winthrop - I so hope you survived the storm dear!!!


Well-known member
Thanks Elegant. It could have been worse but a giant white oak from our neighbor's backyard fell on us and we have damage to the roof, deck, heat pump and generator, plus we had to take down a favorite tree of our own in the front that ended up leaning towards our neighbor's house. 2 houses in our neighborhood are uninhabitable and 3 cars were smashed like pancakes, all due to falling trees. I have not been online much because we have alot of repairs & cleaning up to get done. Definitely looking forward to chatting about the velvets. An angel on here sent me the sample card and I really love La Raffinee. Hope all is well with you. The few times I have had the chance to check in here I've missed seeing posts from you and Cheryl.


Well-known member
Hi Elegant!! Can't wait to hear about the Velvets also
How are your home improvement projects coming along?? Now that my girls are back in school, I am going to map out some decorating projects I want to do. Yippee! Hubs will love that.

Gail -- so sorry to hear about all of the damage from the storm. How scary. Thank goodness you weren't hurt. I hope all can get repaired as quickly as possible.
So what do you think of the texture of the Velvets?


Well-known member
Elegant -- how did I not see that pic of the flowers in strategic places? LOL Did your husband pick you up some?

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi everyone! Hope all are well! I broke my no new lipstick until the velvets rule and bought a Burberry lipstick, antique rose lip cover. Perhaps this is not counted since Burberry was supposed to launch in Feb this year but it only came early this week. I haven't worn it yet and hope I like it. It costs a dollar less than Chanel only! Winthrop - sorry to hear about the damage and so sad that you have to remove your favorite tree. Hope the cleaning and repairs are goi g smoothly. What do you think of the velvets? Elegant - I didn't see the pics until now, because we posted at almost the same time. Does Chanel sell the camellia as brooches? I saw some beautiful fall shoes from Chanel, with a big camellia on the front. They come in heels and ballerinas and a range of lovely colours. I so wanted to have one come home with me. Michelle - have fun with the decorating plans! Do you decorate your house for the different holidays too, like hallwoeen and christmas?


Well-known member
Thanks Michelle and Miss QQ. The texture of the Velvets is WONDERFUL and so is the staying power. I think we will all really love them and wish for more shades. I think elegant will flip over L'Exuberante when she sees it irl - it is so pretty!

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