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Yes! I have a spare one tooNotorious is the only thing I purchased a spare of!!! Yes, I is sealed way, still in the box, never seen the light of day. I would grab that in a house fire. Best contour ever!!!!!

Yes! I have a spare one tooNotorious is the only thing I purchased a spare of!!! Yes, I is sealed way, still in the box, never seen the light of day. I would grab that in a house fire. Best contour ever!!!!!
You may want to check Lord & Taylor as well. They don't sell Chanel online but they do in stores. There's a list of them here: http://www.lordandtaylor.com/webapp.../lord-and-taylor/content-view/Redirect-Chanel. I believe some Blue Mercury's also sell Chanel in store. Hope you can pick up all the ones you want with no trouble!So I snagged Affinite at Macy's for next to nothing (Thank you Plenti points and gift cards!). It looks like I can get Presage from Saks if I'm willing to break my no-buy from them (maybe with 10% and $25 gift card). Intonation I can grab from Bloomies (maybe 10% **Do I need Intonation if I have Chamade??). Revelation and Fantastic are no where to be found. Inspiration I can get from Izzy's for almost $60 (counting shipping) or a tester on ebay for about $33....does anyone have experience with buying testers off ebay? Inspiration is one of the ones I wanted the most.
Sorry to detour Holiday stuff momentarily and THANK YOU for the help/advice!
Thanks for the advice! I think I'll leave ebay alone...I'm always paranoid I'll get something fake and toxic as all get out.Also it some products, the testers are less weight then the ones you would purchase from the store. It is also a huge risk for fakes of these off eBay when sold as testers. Remember, it is 100% pure profit, since these are given away, not allowed to be sold, ever to store employee's. With the Dior blushes in the stick as well as other brands, not sure I would do it. But heck, I am out there....
REALLY???When I won the box from NM with all the Chanel stuff, quite a few items were testers, never opened or obviously used. The only problem, the little plastic cover on the blush is a bitch to get off. I purchased Cheeky when it first came out. To this day, it pills, yes just call me "T".....it does make a great contour for pale face people.
Oh ok, I read that wrong. Whew! Yep, I always figured the no boxes on Ebay were testers.No, the items were all unused. But they were testers. Based on they were not in a compact with a mirror. They were the base, with a hard plastic cover that snapped on the sides. But the back had stickers that said "not for resale". The lipsticks had the actual swatch on the tube with again the clear plastic top for the top section of the lipstick case. The nail polishes did not have the square cover on them.
Then I have been told, when a campaign is over, the employee's MAY be allowed to have what has not been opened in the tester samples. Although usually these are returned to the company who made them, be it Chanel, whomever. When these are listed on eBay, that is why there is never a box. Since testers don't come packaged in boxes as we know. They come in gray cardboard containers. The seller also has gotten these free. So it is 100% profit for them, no over head.
I barely got the one I have, but I wish I could've gotten a backupNotorious is the only thing I purchased a spare of!!! Yes, I is sealed way, still in the box, never seen the light of day. I would grab that in a house fire. Best contour ever!!!!!
THe Mac Blush was Hipness. LOL I was like that all day yesterday.
YEs, thank you for the reminder. LOL
I barely got the one I have, but I wish I could've gotten a backup
Nice! I wonder which one you'll like more...or maybe just all of them
Oh.. the size is disappointing! Mine should arrive tomorrow and I'll probably send it back.. I never use the Dior because it's too small. Thank you for the pic.
I had no idea the would be going by the wayside. I got them all when they first came out because I like instantaneous hoarding and immediate gratification. I would getSo I snagged Affinite at Macy's for next to nothing (Thank you Plenti points and gift cards!). It looks like I can get Presage from Saks if I'm willing to break my no-buy from them (maybe with 10% and $25 gift card). Intonation I can grab from Bloomies (maybe 10% **Do I need Intonation if I have Chamade??). Revelation and Fantastic are no where to be found. Inspiration I can get from Izzy's for almost $60 (counting shipping) or a tester on ebay for about $33....does anyone have experience with buying testers off ebay? Inspiration is one of the ones I wanted the most.
Sorry to detour Holiday stuff momentarily and THANK YOU for the help/advice!
Do you feel like the MAC one is too big?It's a bit bigger than dior. If you want bigger mac is the one to go with