Chanel Rouge Noir Absolument - Holiday 2015


Well-known member
Found the Rouge Allure Lip Collection for Holiday at the counter!! Picked up Troublante NP, RA 164 Inspiree and RAV La Mysterieuse!! The lippies are

Inspiree, Mysterieuse

Beautiful pics and swatches Vee. Thanks for taking the time!!!
All 3 are right up my alley!!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=EE82EE]Yes and it just [/COLOR][COLOR=EE82EE]makes for a bit of confusion[/COLOR]:sigh:
Lol, when I was ordering last night after you told me about them I was like "I'm not sure what I'm ordering, But it's new & limited edition, so it's happening." Vee sent me the info on this little interim collection, so now it makes sense.


Well-known member
My RAs and NP shipped. I don't know how I can be excited for mor new makeup but the hits just keep on coming!!!!!


Well-known member
I'm so confused with both collections, going to see if they have the RA collection at Bergdorfs tomorrow. :shock:


Well-known member
:rofl: Same :hmm: I still don't know what I'm ordering!!! I got the La Mystery :haha: ls & np last night
Lol Right?! I'm just happy that it's something new & LE. I'm mush after that. I got the same 2 things. Really excited about La Mysterieuse! It looks like those mauvey shades we love so much!!


Well-known member
I hope that my local Macy's gets this collection! I have a bunch of "Macy's money" that I could use on some new and le Chanel!