a set of minis would have been wonderful... but again production costs ... the cost of the mini jars exceed the cost of the actual product in many cases.. plus the competitive edge which a full size brings to market, vs. a mini.. unless it's a set of mini's and those don't sell as well because the costs go up exponentially.
Absolutely right. One of the companies I used to work for figured out that it was cheaper to give away full size samples for a limited time than it was to do a production run of trial sizes for sale for the same period.
I have been on my "white" es kick and did indeed test out Ivory (which is a truer ivory/yellowish undertones), Island, and finally hit on Platine.. omg. Platine used with a damp 217 brush is gorgeousgourgeous.. it gives the same whitish effect as Fantasme without the fallout/glitter.
I will stand by my original opinion of Fantasme.. it is a lovely but quite glittery product.. great if I were 20 again, but now, a bit silly for me. I keep getting the impression that a lot of women like to work too hard at making products work for them.. and I prefer less work and easier to use products. I was just perusing Cafemakeup and I keep wondering what Amy looks like.. we only see her daughter who is a beautiful young woman. I would love to see a woman my age wearing a product like Fantasme.. and wearing it well.
jmarie.. ty
That is my general opinion about certain 'cult status' eyeshadow primers (which tend to make up for the mediocrity of some eye shadows), lipstick colors that people know they have NO BUSINESS WEARING... EVER due to skin tones/undertones, and 'creaseless' products that crease like crazy without the use of the aforementioned eyeshadow primer.I have been on my "white" es kick and did indeed test out Ivory (which is a truer ivory/yellowish undertones), Island, and finally hit on Platine.. omg. Platine used with a damp 217 brush is gorgeousgourgeous.. it gives the same whitish effect as Fantasme without the fallout/glitter.
I will stand by my original opinion of Fantasme.. it is a lovely but quite glittery product.. great if I were 20 again, but now, a bit silly for me. I keep getting the impression that a lot of women like to work too hard at making products work for them.. and I prefer less work and easier to use products. I was just perusing Cafemakeup and I keep wondering what Amy looks like.. we only see her daughter who is a beautiful young woman. I would love to see a woman my age wearing a product like Fantasme.. and wearing it well.
jmarie.. ty
Thank you! I love the way the white just lifts the eye and I am part Mohawk, so I have sort of a hooded, monolid, whoknowswhat kind of eye that is hard to work with. I think I heard my back say "aaaaah!"Debi, I think it looks great !!.. the silvery liner is lovely on you.. I use an EL product called Graphite (again from the Mercury line or the Black Quartz).. both lovely and shimmery colours but not OTT....combined with the light shades you look fresh and your eyes look huge !
playing with mu is a great way to recover![]()