Changing shopping habits


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I remember not so long ago I would buy about 80% of the items from MAC collections and know all I get is maybe one eyeshadow or lipstick or lipgloss.

Am I the only one changing my shopping habits


Well-known member
No, you're not the only one... my MAC shopping decreased significantly this year also.

I'm looking forward to a few '07 collections though.


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Mine is 50/50. Sometimes I like alot of things from some collections. Other times I don't like anything. I just bought a few things from Danse but I didn't from any other collections this year (ie: Lure
, Summer Neutral, etc.) that I should have. I even got the Lure fold-out poster and didn't go check it out. Now I'm regretting it.


Well-known member
My buying habits are about to change. I just have too much right now. I am like you in that I also used to buy like 80%, but now with the speed which they crank the new shiz out, it's just too much to use and store.

I am getting to the point where I will have to turn one of the spare bedrooms into a MAC counter just to hold it all!


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I used to buy a bunch of stuff from each collection..I think I had the LE bug. However, I have to keep my makeup natural looking when I'm at work, so a lot of stuff I don't even bother with because I'd really only get use out of it two days a week, or if I was going out at night. I think owning a lot of MAC in general has also cut down my urges for more..its like "do I really need another brown e/s or pink l/g??" and the answer is generally no.

The last collection that I bought a bunch of stuff from was Lure, other than that its been random bits and pieces here and there (shimpagne, suspicion e/s, all woman l/g, jewelmarine glitter).

Some of the upcoming spring stuff looks hopeful, but then again I am starting to phase myself out of the brights. My wallet is surely thanking me, too


Well-known member
I actually keep track of what I buy from each collection (neurotic yes...but meh) and I have definitely bought less.

I have only been into MAC for two years and I am already starting to notice a drop in originality. In the beginning I bought everything b/c it was new and exciting and I did not want to miss out--now I'm pickier and a lot more willing to just sit out a collection every now and then and wait for something I really love (hello Barbie!!) to come along.

The good thing about keeping track of my purchases is it allows me to see that I tend to buy a lot of one color (i.e plum lipsticks) so I ban myself from buying anymore plums and focus on other colors I lack that will look good on me.

I think 2007 should be interesting though after reading through the complete color story for the Raquel Welch Icon collection I have knocked my list down to one lipstick--and even that is a maybe. Well now it's a definite not--bring on Barbie


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I bought a loooooot at the beginning of the year, but as more and more collections started flying at me I began to get bored with them. I'd either only buy a couple things or skip it completely.
Now if they came out with something as good as Madame B, Belle Azure, or Salsabelle (all of which i missed) I'd be all over it


Well-known member
i'm not really into this whole LE thing. i try to stay away from it and focus on the regular line. it's fun, but i think that so many collections get pushed out that i'd be broke trying to keep up.

i do buy a few LE things if i really like them and don't have anything like it already. this year i have purchased about 6 MAC LE items, including 2 holiday brush sets, which i don't really count as they are brushes and the normal ones are available all the time.

i am excited about a few of the upcoming collections here. danse, raquel and barbie. whether i actually buy anything from these collections remains to be seen - i'm not making any decisions until i see the makeup for myself!


Well-known member
i cant exactly say i've had specific habits. for me it just depends on whether i like it or not. sometimes i do and sometimes i dont. :shrug:


Well-known member
I'm buying less...partly because money is tight and partly because I'm over my LE obsession. I was buying everything waiting to see what would be the new "Parrot" or whatever and realized everybody was doing that so demand went way down. Then I have all these backups that I'll never go through because something new always comes out that's better.


Well-known member
I find that I'm changing too. When I first got into MAC a few years ago I used to by almost everything from a collection, even if I didn't really like it. But now that I have so much, I limit myself to things that are a.) unique from permanent items or b.) something I know I'll use frequently.


Well-known member
totally joining the bandwagon here, i think my last purchase was also something from lure, and after that just the black polish from nocturnelle, . still waiting on the msfs to arrive here but not sure i will get any more danse. i think it also has to do with the fact that mac has changed a lot. all that releasing LE stuff every 2 weeks makes it impossible for most of us to keep up, and IF we had the cash to buy the whole collection every 2 weeks, we'd only give it 2 weeks use and then forget it to oblivion bc of the next LE.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ishtarchick
all that releasing LE stuff every 2 weeks makes it impossible for most of us to keep up, and IF we had the cash to buy the whole collection every 2 weeks, we'd only give it 2 weeks use and then forget it to oblivion bc of the next LE.

Exactly! I got into MAC about two years ago and already feel that I have bits of everything, and in most cases various bits which are much alike. I also felt the urge to get everything because I didn't want to regret later on that I missed out on something, but now I find myself with tons of stuff that I rarely use, e.g. bright or dark colours which don't exactly look gorgeous on me. And then you have them and maybe use them twice until you get sooo excited over new stuff that you forget about the old one. My wallet will be grateful as until last autumn I spent almost half of my income on MAC (I work only part-time so I don't earn so much anyway, but the money can be used more wisely)

So from about Nocturnelle onwards I've been (and am) only getting what I really have an addiction for (e.g. pink lipgloss, I can't pass on such *lol*) or if I find something my collection is missing. I won't be buying indisciminately anymore, I think there's nothing I like that I don't have already, so I'll slow down. And no more colours for me that look great in the pot or tube but don't flatter me - I'll focus on what really makes me look prettier.


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I have never purchased the entire collection, though I admit that I got all the she shines pigments (loved them).
I simply refuse to funnel every spare dollar into makeup, though the Barbie collection DOES look like something I want several items of.
I passed on nocturnelle, and the one after that, I'll pass on the concealor pallette (though I probably shouldn't) and am only getting the pigments in addition to the MSFs I already have from Danse. NONE of the icon collection does much for me, though if I see it in person I may think differently.
I buy what *I* like.


Well-known member
Well, my habits also changed.
I stopped buying LE stuff, I haven't seen and tested personally. I live 4 Hours away from a counter, so I asked my sister to CP for me.
But I'm too picky, when it comes to colours and so I swapped many things away I got CPed, because I didn't like them on my lids or lips.

The other thing is, that I'm a littel bit disappointed with MAC at the moment and more into Shu Uemura... No good news for my wallet!


Well-known member
I try to curb any cravings by staying away from the MAC stores and but spend a lot of time looking at the MAC website and reading Specktra when a collection launches first. I find this way the initial hysteria to run out and buy a bunch of LE stuff usually dies down after a while. After that I try to rationalize by looking at what I already own and also how much use will I really get out of it. ie. I cannot wear brights to work so I must really love it to buy it. Also, I ask myself questions like - how many shades of green do I really need? Sometimes the differences are so subtle only I will know the difference anyway (okay this is when I get pelted by rocks

Lastly I find if you wait, sometimes there's a better collection just around the corner. For example Barbie has killed most of my lemming for Raquel


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I used to feel like I had to have SO many things from MAC but now its dying down... I feel like I will invest in what I want and what I feel I will use. I actually have had buyers remorse from buying certain things (which I NEVER had before w/ MAC..) and be tempted to take it back. So my past few hauls, I researched at the MAC website and DEFINITELY Specktra before making an informed decision. And I keep my wishlist in my purse so just in case the mood strikes, Ill have a guideline to follow. I still ADORE MAC as a product line and as a company, but I dont feel the compulsion to jump on every single collection they throw out there.

Sidebar - At the risk of sounding like a weirdo, Danse didnt really interest me.. I think one of the lippies looked interesting and one or two of the e/s. But other than that, I wasnt that excited about it. I havent checked out the Barbie line yet (been too busy
) but maybe something will be interesting from there.
When I started my mac obsession in 2004, I pretty much lusted after nearly everything in the collections. My first BIG purchase was salsabelle, where I bought all the eyeshadows. After that, I was hooked.

Now, about $7,000 later (and my collection isn't even as impressive as many others!) I'm finally at the point where I am not stressing to get everything in a collection just because of the LE factor since I most likely have something similar. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I had previously been working fulltime because I was taking some "me" time before college. Now that I don't have the money to burn (hello college loans!) I finally see that I don't need 50 variations of the same color.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
i cant exactly say i've had specific habits. for me it just depends on whether i like it or not. sometimes i do and sometimes i dont. :shrug:


Sometimes I will buy one thing from an entire collection - or all of it .. hello MADAME B ..
and a few others... it just seems boring .. ya know? Repeats.. blah blah.. But I have faith in the new icon collection coming up... think I will be buying 95% of that~~!!

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