Charlotte Tilbury Makeup...


Well-known member
Oh and I put together some swatches from the MR lipstick samples. Here is Very Victoria and Amazing Grace. Love VV and I'll pick it up in January *ahem* but Amazing Grace was a little too warm for my preferences. I could get away with it but I know I won't reach for it. Love the formula on these though, matte but luminous.


Well-known member
Crisis!!!! Miss Kensington fell out of the tube!!!!! Still in one piece, gently place back into the stem. Hopefully it will stick....I store my lipsticks upside down, so I can see the name. Of course with Chanel and their new tubes, the label is rights up. Miss Kensington is in ICU and resting upside right. Hopefully she will have a full recovery.
Oh no!
I hope your resussitative efforts are successful!


Well-known member
I tried to put myself on a lipstick no-buy until January about a week ago but I already failed
. Saw Miss Kensington was sold out pretty much everywhere so I bought it from Nordstrom. Hope I like it. And now I mean it NO MORE LIPSTICK UNTIL JANUARY *unless there are some nice ones in the Nars Steven Klein collection*


Well-known member
Oh and I put together some swatches from the MR lipstick samples. Here is Very Victoria and Amazing Grace. Love VV and I'll pick it up in January *ahem* but Amazing Grace was a little too warm for my preferences. I could get away with it but I know I won't reach for it. Love the formula on these though, matte but luminous.
That sample plus 25% off on Spring is why VV came home with her and Miss K both!


Well-known member
I didn't mean to make you disturb it if they are unused
AWS------I'm not saving them---that's just how it turned out because of my makeup looks
I had on gold e/s and that shadow just worked so well with it. The gold
brought out the golden shimmers in the CT shadow. I loved the look!!!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   AWS------I'm not saving them---that's just how it turned out because of my makeup looks:haha: [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]I had on gold e/s and that [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]shadow just worked so well with it.  The gold[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   brought out the golden shimmers in the CT shadow.  I loved the look!!![/COLOR]
Lol ok Sounds lovely! I like her shimmer and glitter shades!


Well-known member
Crisis!!!! Miss Kensington fell out of the tube!!!!! Still in one piece, gently place back into the stem. Hopefully it will stick....I store my lipsticks upside down, so I can see the name. Of course with Chanel and their new tubes, the label is rights up. Miss Kensington is in ICU and resting upside right. Hopefully she will have a full recovery.
...and then, when I opened it to take photos to send to Customer Service, the lipstick fell out of the tube!! Ugh..


Well-known member
It arrived.. smushed! When I opened it, the tip had smushed into the lid... ...and then, when I opened it to take photos to send to Customer Service, the lipstick fell out of the tube!! Ugh..
That's awful. The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago with my Bond Girl. Luckily Nordstroms sent me a replacement.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] I seem to gravitate to this particular one!!![/COLOR]
It arrived.. smushed! When I opened it, the tip had smushed into the lid... ...and then, when I opened it to take photos to send to Customer Service, the lipstick fell out of the tube!! Ugh..
That's awful. The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago with my Bond Girl. Luckily Nordstroms sent me a replacement.
What's going on with the lipsticks these days...


Well-known member
It arrived.. smushed! When I opened it, the tip had smushed into the lid... ...and then, when I opened it to take photos to send to Customer Service, the lipstick fell out of the tube!! Ugh..
Go through Spring directly...they were a breeze when my cream shadow arrived in poor condition.