Chicago pro store..?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
So, while I was picking up some Finery and Royal Asset love, I got word that this PRO store should be coming in mid-April/May, and it's to be located on Armitage.

Take it for what it's worth, but that's what the lovely lady at the counter told me @ Watertower.

I believe it. The word is that it will be in Lincoln Park and the only two places it would make sense to put it are Armitage or Halsted between Armitage and Webster where Bebe and Barney's and all the other shops are. I noticed that Salon 1800 is relocating to another store-front down the block so I wondered if it's abandoned location will be the new pro store. At any rate, I can't wait. I figured they would have it done by around April or May since the rumor is that it will open in th spring. Yay!!!


Active member
I didn't realize it would be so soon! Yay! Now I don't have to deal with the parking at Macy's or the Oak Street store. And, just in time for my birthday (May). I just went to the CCO in Pleasant Prairie about two weeks ago. It was pretty disappointing. There were no MSFs, a few quads (I already had all three) and a really small selection of shadows. I did pick up cosmic e/s and warning lip varnish, which is awesome IMO. If you go - ask the salesgirls to show you their 'singles'. If they get items that aren't in duplicate, they just throw them in a box and keep them in back - those end up being more hard to find or LE.


Well-known member
I have more news!!

If all goes well, it will open at the end of March!!!

Even better, I have an address. It's supposed to be at 910 W. Armitage in Lincoln Park.

I am counting down the days!!!

Google Map to New Pro Store Location

FYI: If you just go to Google Maps and search for 910 W. Armitage you have the option of seeing the street view. It helps to get a visual of the area.


Well-known member
There is a growing buzz about the store. Supposedly there is going to be a HUGE event for its opening. Look for info in ChicagoScene, Metromix, etc. in the coming weeks. They are trying to shut down that stretch of Armitage for the event. And if memory serves me correctly the opening seems to be coming aorund the same time Heatherette is coming out but don't quote me. I am just excited. This was like a great urban MAC myth for so many years and it's becoming a reality.


Well-known member
When I was at my local MAC counter a couple of weeks ago, the MA gave me a headsup on the chicago pro store.
It's opening either the 9th or the 19th. She couldn't remember what day .. but someone she knows who works(or worked, rather) at the store in Somerset, is transferring to the PRO store and that's what he told her. XD

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Yep yep! Its opening soooooooon!!!!! Its right down the street from my apartment. WOOOOO HOOOO!! I'm so excited. My friend who works for the corporate side of MAC said there was going to be a private event. Not sure whats going to happen yet. Anybody wanna go with me?!?!?!?! YAY!! I can't wait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
Yep yep! Its opening soooooooon!!!!! Its right down the street from my apartment. WOOOOO HOOOO!! I'm so excited. My friend who works for the corporate side of MAC said there was going to be a private event. Not sure whats going to happen yet. Anybody wanna go with me?!?!?!?! YAY!! I can't wait!

Meeeeeeeeee!!! Take me!

I heard it was opening later this month and that the grand opening party was going to be in May. Either way I can't wait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
Yep yep! Its opening soooooooon!!!!! Its right down the street from my apartment. WOOOOO HOOOO!! I'm so excited. My friend who works for the corporate side of MAC said there was going to be a private event. Not sure whats going to happen yet. Anybody wanna go with me?!?!?!?! YAY!! I can't wait!

If I could afford to goto Chicago for it, you could take me.

But..I'm poor right now.


Well-known member
Keep me updated! I want to go! I live 3 hours away, but would totally be worth the drive- I LOVEEEE Chicago

I'll meet you guys there if you decide to have a meetup for the opening party


Well-known member
Thanks for all the updates ladies! This location is perfect for me, I go to DePaul University so I'll have something to do between my classes

I've never been to a pro store and was wondering how many more products it carries. In other words, is it much better than a regular free standing store?

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I hope its way bigger than the regular store. The MAC on Oak St is soooo small. Its smaller than some counters. Lol. I went yesterday and I was afraid I was going to bump into something. Its hard having to avoid people and the counters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lalunia
I've never been to a pro store and was wondering how many more products it carries. In other words, is it much better than a regular free standing store?

If you do a search you can pull up a thread explaining the difference in the stores as well as the counters. Also check out MAC Pro. You can look at all the products that the pro store carries.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
I hope its way bigger than the regular store. The MAC on Oak St is soooo small. Its smaller than some counters. Lol. I went yesterday and I was afraid I was going to bump into something. Its hard having to avoid people and the counters.

I think I heard 5000 square feet.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lalunia
Thanks for all the updates ladies! This location is perfect for me, I go to DePaul University so I'll have something to do between my classes

I've never been to a pro store and was wondering how many more products it carries. In other words, is it much better than a regular free standing store?

Totally OT but, DePaul. Never thought I'd see someone else from there on this board. I graduated last year.

Now back to topic- OMG PRO STORE, why must you open when I'm searching for a job? haha.


Well-known member
thanks for the exciting news. i have been waitng so patiently for it to open. god i havent even started saving yet. this is going to be bad! im going to become poorer then i already am! lol.

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
Are they trying to keep this a big secret or something? I actually didn't even find out about it till I talked to my friend a few days ago.


Well-known member
Not that I know of. I just don't think they're all "ooh, we're opening a new pro store later this year", all up in your face and whatnot.

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