Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


Well-known member
Same here. I didn't put mine in the fridge...just room temp. Did you get your Nats liner yet?
Hopefully it will be delivered soon.


Well-known member
I had that with the TF cream shadows, had to exchange them. Will you return them?
I ordered through Spring, and they are being great. They took care of everything and had CT ship me a new one...hopefully this one isn't all melty. I do not have to return the bad one. Two of my TF ones arrived not looking particularly pretty, but the consistency still seemed fine (and as I have used them, I can say they are). This one wasn't just gooped to one side, it also looked 'deflated' and melty is the best word I can come up with.


Well-known member
NM is actually sending me a replacement that should be here tomm. But I wish I had swapped it for a satin or sheer now. The lipsticks itself are so soft but the casing being heavy its causing it to break at the base. I thought with rococotte it was my flimsiness but with Bengali I was sure to be extra careful. Both my satins though are just fine.i am just sooo bummed.

So sorry that this happened to you!


Well-known member
It is!!!
Its such a pretty shade!!
Yesss i barely even twisted it up. But even then it felt wobbly in its base with the pressure of applying on the lips & broke :((( Bad Bad lipstick day!!
The liner is kind of lighter than i thought it would be. I think it would be nice as a base to a nude lipstick but on its own the shade is almost lost on my pigmented lips. It does apply well without any crumbling!!
That is completely inexcusable for a $90 lipstick!


Well-known member
Girls So I have major issues with Matte lipsticks. They break at the base easily. I made sure the lipsticks were not soft from heat, popped the packages in the fridge and applied using the lighest touch possible but both Rococotte and Bengali broke at the base. I thought Rococotte broke because i dropped it but the same with Bengali even though I was extra careful with it. The satins on the other hand I have no issues with. Tpday was such a BAD day lipstick wise, I have 2 broken BROKENNNNNNN lipsticks now! :unsure:
This is terrible, I know I had the feeling they might be delicate and have been super careful, but I bought mine in the store, I'm wondering if the heat damaged them and even though you refrigerated them, maybe was too hot? In any case, that sucks, glad you are getting replacements, at this price they should be sending them on dry ice.
NM is actually sending me a replacement that should be here tomm. But I wish I had swapped it for a satin or sheer now. The lipsticks itself are so soft but the casing being heavy its causing it to break at the base. I thought with rococotte it was my flimsiness but with Bengali I was sure to be extra careful. Both my satins though are just fine.i am just sooo bummed.


Well-known member
So CL Tutulle and LeaNue had their maiden voyage to Manhattan today. Yes, I used the "condom", which really was nice, as not to scratch the precious case. The key with the lip pencil, is not to screw the cap back on too much, as this sharpens it. you will hear a sound. I figured that out after a few times. LeaNue is really quite pale on my lips, but worked well with Tutulle. I love the satin formulas, so moisturizing and stays put for a solid 5 hours.


Well-known member
I only tried zoulou so far because it was the only one I was unsure about It's the perfect nude I loveeeeeee it One of my lip liners came the liner is loveeeeee and the packaging just does something for me My other liners from nm shipped One is on backorder until the 25 can't wait to get them all


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]I decided to try on my Rouge Louboutin, satin.  It feels amazing on. I'm glad I tried it before seeing Vee's broken lipstick.  I would have been too afraid to even touch it.[/COLOR]
Medgal u are so stunning I loveeeeeee this Lippie on u
Lea nu & Bengali (matte)
This one looks so nice Is it super bright on the lips
Farida satin is giving me Chanel Antoinette/ NARS Leslie vibes
stunning On my list now


Well-known member
This is terrible, I know I had the feeling they might be delicate and have been super careful, but I bought mine in the store, I'm wondering if the heat damaged them and even though you refrigerated them, maybe was too hot? In any case, that sucks, glad you are getting replacements, at this price they should be sending them on dry ice.
I heart you, Ernie. [@]DLuxJessica[/@] came first, but I'm sure she'll understand. For a variety of reasons, I'm just glad these are not LE.


Well-known member
It arrived looking half empty and weird melty looking consistency.  I think it did not fare well during shipping. :eek:hboy:
As long as you can get a replacement. :bigstar:
Yes! I cannot wait to try it. Nordies has really good reviews about it! It melted into the skin & looked so flawless at least on my arm. I got 001.
Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
[COLOR=0000FF]I decided to try on my Rouge Louboutin, satin.  It feels amazing on. I'm glad I tried it before seeing Vee's broken lipstick.  I would have been too afraid to even touch it.[/COLOR]
What a fabulous color on you! You're so pretty.
I am soooooo bummed!! I have never had a lipstick break ever ! even ones I don't bother about and keep in boxes!! PTSD is true!! I am worried to even touch the other ones now :eek:hboy:
:shock: can't blame you. I would have needed a nap after that experience.
I'll be in NY this weekend, anyone carry them there? 
Bergdorfs has them, that's where I've been going, there's a really nice SA, I think she's the manager, her name is Sheila. Also at Saks, but I don't like that store. And the Sephora on fifth avenue.
Lea nu & Bengali (matte)
So pretty, hope you have no issues!
:love: :eyelove:   That is going to look SO good on you!  I love your lip definder swatch!
Lip definder, from now on. :haha:


Well-known member
Oh, I am SOOO sorry to hear this!!! You know, I fully opened them and inspected the bullets. I did notice hairline cracks at the base. It's ridiculous for the price point! The formula is nice but not enough for me to risk breakage...
Waiting on my mattes to arrive and I will be sure to be careful when I receive them. So sorry that happened to you Vee.
Oh no!! That should not happen :wtf: Flying and broken lipsticks! A true nightmare Vee! I'm so sorry you underwent this torture! I so hope that if this is a product malfunction combined with the heavy packaging the CL team will take care of it ASAP ! We are not talking about something cheap here! It's 90$ !!!Still if you asked me which is first on my wish list i would say RL matte!Please don't be negative for getting mats again! It might be a problem with shipping! I am really hoping the new ones that you will receive to be totally intact and you will be proud of having them to your stash ! :hug:
So sorry that this happened to you!
That is completely inexcusable for a $90 lipstick!
This is terrible, I know I had the feeling they might be delicate and have been super careful, but I bought mine in the store, I'm wondering if the heat damaged them and even though you refrigerated them, maybe was too hot? In any case, that sucks, glad you are getting replacements, at this price they should be sending them on dry ice.
Thanks guys!! Since the lipsticks were new, both NM and Nordstrom sent replacements without any issues!! I am hoping these fare well and it was just a one off incident!! Had a pretty meh day though!!


Well-known member
I cancelled my Rouge Louboutin order *cries* :crybaby: RL was just SEXY AS F so I couldn't resist but I had to. I just have way too many reds of varying finishes that I seldom use except on special occasions (Chanel Dragon, MAC Ruby Woo, MAC Russian Red, NARS Dragon Girl - tho this leans pink-ish, TF Cherry Lush, TF Crimson Noir is OTW, Guerlain Rouge G Greta, Rouge G Garconne, that Armani one ... and I dunno what else is in that stash lol. Plus I just ordered WAY too many TF lippies recently. I will resist for now. "For now" being the operative term, here.
Well they are perm anyway, so you have time. :bouquet:
Farida satin is giving me Chanel Antoinette/ NARS Leslie vibes
I love this shade on you!
I only tried zoulou so far because it was the only one I was unsure about It's the perfect nude I loveeeeeee it One of my lip liners came the liner is loveeeeee and the packaging just does something for me My other liners from nm shipped One is on backorder until the 25 can't wait to get them all
Glad you are liking Zoulou!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   I think if we throw a little perspective on it----so far this has happened to one person and two lipsticks.  That's the info that we have at this point.  We don't know if the[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   problem is just w/the matte [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]formula so I would say get the one that you want based on the formula that you prefer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   I'm curious about why it's happening,  Sounds like some root-cause analysis is in order.  I'd like to hear from Mr Louboutin.[/COLOR]:D    :shock:    [COLOR=0000FF]Yes but pretty disheartening.[/COLOR]

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