Hi all I'm back

hope you been all ok ������������ juet caught up on the thread I am trying to get to grips how to work this site but I cannot find the threads then when I do it takes me back to the beginning of the thread

like this one !!! It took me to psge one when clicked on it so annoying
well ll anyway I went upto London yesterday with my husband and my 4 year old to buy my Christmas present I ended up trying four pairs of Christian L shoes only one pair fit me properly but I wanted to try the size 4 in that style and didn't have none in stock . Anyhow we left it I looked and swatches all the lipsticks was in a rush I didn't take any pics as it was all over my hand lol

looked a mess I didn't know which was which but the lady there was really nice and wrote the ones I really really liked down for me on a special piece of paper saying CL my CL wish list ������������������
on my list was
210) belly bloom
705M)just nothing
rouge L red silky satin ; the matte was such a deeper red I found and didn't suit my skin tone really
2175)rose dessert was really really nice
710) me nude liked it
700)tutulle suited me
220) let me tell you
717s private number

that's my list for now my definetes prob won't get all of them but I can honestly say these were my favs
we we went on the Emirates thingy in London went over the river in a cable cart thing

had a late lunch in London to it was perfect

great day out
great to be back on Specktra